THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Thursday, June 20, 1996 TAG: 9606180129 SECTION: NORFOLK COMPASS PAGE: 06 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Letter LENGTH: 100 lines
How disappointing to read in the June 1 Virginian-Pilot about the continued petty political battle between the sheriff and the City Council.
Does what is right and good for the citizens of Norfolk ever take precedence over the politics?
The answer to that is yes - rarely, but every now and then it does happen. For example, when Sheriff McCabe was elected he decided to appoint a Citizens Advisory Council whose purpose would be sort of a check and balance of all jail operations. He could have carefully selected only those party friendly. But low and behold he chose as one member a liberal Democrat: me. Yes, in most cases I am proud to support the Democratic Party and am rather vocal with that support.
But now I am so saddened to see many of those same elected officials reduce themselves to the same pettiness they profess to deplore. I had considerable contact with inmates prior to Sheriff McCabe's election and was horrified by the conditions. Now the jail is hardly recognizable - clean and orderly with improved medical attention and an educational coordinator who is compassionate, committed and enthusiastic. Every official I have met is professional and willing to be of service.
While Sheriff McCabe and I agree to disagree on political issues, I believe he runs the jail with the honest, fair, humane approach that should be non-partisan. In addition, he has utilized his staff for other services benefiting the community such as senior watch, designed to assist our senior citizens. I thought my fellow Democrats would applaud such efficient services for all.
Maybe someone should remind our elected officials that many citizens are fed up with these ego-centered power plays and simply want cooperation and support in city business. I believe Sheriff McCabe has been that kind of official and wish that those opposing his efforts would rethink their priorities.
Claudia T. Sweeney
Magnolia Avenue
Citizens Advisory Council Accurate info needed
Is a newspaper obligated to verify, at least somewhat, the ``facts'' it prints?
I am most bothered by marketing information provided the citizens of Norfolk to convince them that good decisions are being made on their behalf.
``Now, now, go to sleep and the Tooth Fairy will come.''
Nauticus will profit the city because 826,000 people a year will visit it. MacArthur Center will be successful because 30,000 people a day will shop there. 30,000 times 365 equals 10,950,000.
The worst was the June 7 Virginian-Pilot editorial by Glenn Scott that declared that 300,000 people would attend Harborfest, and that proved that the Nauticus and MacArthur Center figures were also correct.
Harborfest is a grand party. The jury is still out on Nauticus and maybe the MacArthur Center will work, even though the expected profit to the city will now go to Crestar Bank. But how can the citizens of Norfolk, those burdened, be expected to feel enthusiasm when they are the recipient of a constant snow job? Most of our information comes from The Virginian-Pilot and must be dependable and verified.
Norfolk will be a better place to live when our council sees to it that information provided to the public is accurate and useful. It does not always rain on Election Day.
Fred Bashara
Eastwood Terrace 53 years of support
I would like to thank the Tidewater community for its loyal support for more than 53 years. We were overwhelmed by the response to our recent closing of Reisner's Delicatessen at Janaf Shopping Center. It is most gratifying to know that we made a mark on our community.
I would also like to thank Sam T. Barfield, commissioner of the revenue, and James B. Oliver, city manager, for their kind words. We would like to extend our gratitude to our business associates and vendors too numerous to mention and to the management of Janaf Shopping Center for a wonderful business relationship for more than 32 years. Many thanks and good luck to our employees who stuck with us to the end. We would also like to acknowledge John Hobson of Bobcat of Tidewater for unselfishly giving of his time to wash dishes during the lunch rush on our last day when our dishwasher was delayed.
Thanks for the memories and see you at the beach.
Erica Reisner Ausch
Virginia Beach Watch out for the grass
Upon recently moving to Norfolk, I was delighted to learn of the presence of Town Point Park. The park offers city dwellers an opportunity to escape the concrete paths and high rise buildings, and find grassy lawns scattered with trees.
Unfortunately, my delight quickly changed to fright upon discovering that, after lying down on the grass, I was covered with a green film. After further investigation, I learned that the substance, which was difficult to wash off, was a fungicide. The disturbing aspect of the incident was the absence of signs indicating the application, and the health risk it poses on the citizens and visitors wishing to enjoy the park.
For the future I would hope that further applications, if absolutely necessary, will be clearly indicated to the public. I do enjoy taking breaks in the park, but I don't wish to bring fungicides back to the office.
Justin Childers
West Plume by CNB