The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, June 21, 1996                 TAG: 9606210497
SOURCE: Damon Tatem
                                            LENGTH:   56 lines


Warmer water and a wind shift improved fishing on ocean piers along the northern beaches.

Spot, bluefish, nice croaker and sea mullet were landed on Kitty Hawk Pier during the morning. Fishing was slow in the afternoon on the falling tide.

Avalon Pier reported scattered bluefish, spot, sea mullet and small gray trout taken throughout the day.

Small bottom fish, tailor blues and small gray trout were landed on Nags Head Pier off and on during the day.

Anglers on Jennette's Pier caught spot and mullet Wednesday night. A few pigfish, spot, small bluefish and sea mullet were caught Thursday morning. Action was slow the rest of the day.

Fair catches of spot, bluefish, sea mullet and croaker were landed most of the morning on Outer Banks Pier. Only a few bottom fish were landed in the afternoon.

South of Oregon Inlet, Rodanthe Pier reported five king mackerel, weighing as much as 27 1/2 pounds, and four cobia, weighing as much as 46 pounds, were decked late Wednesday afternoon. Small bottom fish and a few gray trout were taken Thursday.

Plenty of croaker, scattered spot and a few black drum were landed on Avon Pier.

Anglers on Frisco Pier caught small gray trout, spot and a few mullet during the morning, and lots of bluefish on jiggers and bucktails in the afternoon.

Surf fishermen along the northern beaches caught fairly good numbers of small bottom fish on the morning high tide.

Anglers fishing around Oregon Inlet also reported fairly good catches of small bottom fish, black drum and a few gray trout.

Plenty of croaker, spot, a few gray trout and tailor blues were beached by surf casters from Rodanthe to Buxton.

Flounder, tailor blues and a few sharks were landed at Cape Point Wednesday evening. Some small bottom fish were taken Thursday.

Bluefish and Spanish mackerel were caught by anglers fishing the Hatteras Inlet late Wednesday afternoon. Small bluefish and a few gray trout were landed along the beach from Frisco to Hatteras Inlet Thursday.

Inshore trolling around the Oregon Inlet bar was good Thursday, with plenty of bluefish and Spanish mackerel landed. Intermediate charters caught nice cobia south of Oregon Inlet near the boiler. Headboats in the area caught pigfish, bluefish and a few flounder.

Few charters ventured offshore Thursday along the Dare Coast because of rough seas. The Dream Girl and the Dare Devil out of Oregon Inlet Fishing Center had fair luck catching a few tuna, dolphin and a wahoo.

No Gulf Stream charters went offshore from Hatteras Thursday.

Warmer water along the northern beaches should produce some cobia and king action during the weekend, providing winds don't increase out the southwest.

The water temperature was 68 degrees Thursday at the Army Corps of Engineers Pier in Duck, and 79 degrees at Frisco Pier on Hatteras Island. by CNB