THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Monday, July 15, 1996 TAG: 9607150061 SECTION: LOCAL PAGE: B1 EDITION: NORTH CAROLINA LENGTH: 63 lines
The following information was provided by local authorities to help keep citizens informed of police activities in their areas. PASQUOTANK COUNTY
CHILDREN ON STREET POSE HAZARD: The increase in drivers and cyclists on narrow, curvy Main Street Extended is causing potentially dangerous situations, says Pasquotank Sheriff Randy Cartwright.
Cartwright is urging parents to warn their children about walking or riding bicycles this summer along the busy road. He said his department has been receiving complaints of children wandering into the road and oncoming traffic.
``Kids are wandering onto the road - some actually in the middle of the road - and cars are having to dodge them,'' Cartwright said.
Many of these youngsters are going between homes or to Meads Pool, and a lot are not following road safety, Cartwright said. One small child recently was struck by a car but not seriously hurt, the sheriff said.
Cartwright warned that children under 16 could be cited for riding their bicycles improperly.
Main Street Extended contains numerous subdivisions and is a popular shortcut for motorists heading to or from U.S. 17.
Speed limits on the two-lane road range between 35 and 45 in most residential sections. It also has very little paved shoulder space for pedestrians and bicyclists. KILL DEVIL HILLS
DEATH INVESTIGATED: Kill Devil Hills police are investigating the death of a 29-year-old local man at a home on West Ocean Acres Drive.
Gilford Young Carver is believed to have died of natural causes, but police are still looking into the circumstances surrounding his death on July 2. Carver reportedly told roommates that he didn't feel good and went to lay down. Several hours later, he was found unconscious and not breathing.
No other information was available.
ARMED ROBBERY: An armed robbery was reported at 1 a.m. on July 4 at the Taco Bell on South Croatan Highway.
A slim black male, 6-feet-1 and about 170 pounds, approached the night manager in the parking lot with a gun, police said.
The man demanded an undisclosed amount of money and then fled.
The incident is under investigation. Anyone with information should call police at 480-4020.
AUTO THEFT, LARCENIES: A vehicle was stolen during the July 4th weekend from the Kill Devil Hills Amoco parking lot and was later found with contents missing.
The victim left the keys in the car with the engine running and discovered the vehicle missing when she emerged from the service station's convenience store. The car was recovered a few hours later, undamaged, on 5th Street. Taken were the victim's prescription medicine and a purse containing checks and calling cards. Value of stolen goods is $220.
Other valuable items have been stolen recently from residences.
About $1,800 in surfing equipment was taken from the front porch of a house on First Street on July 2.
About $3,800 in property was stolen from a home on Bay Drive between June 17 and July 2. Items include stereo and videoequipment, a fax machine, jewelry, a television and alcoholic beverages.
Also during the holiday weekend, a Dare County Emergency Medical Services gear bag was stolen from a vehicle on West Airstrip Road. Items were valued at $1,000. by CNB