The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, September 14, 1996          TAG: 9609140012
SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A14  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                            LENGTH:   32 lines


I take exception to your editorial ``A lot of garbage'' (Aug. 29). First, let's get it correct. Old newspaper, as well as new newspaper, is trash, not garbage. What is printed is sometimes garbage, filled with half truths or untruths.

I fully support the city manager of Virginia Beach and every city employee and any decision they may make with regard to the disposal of all unwanted items we citizens discard. During those ice storms this past winter, waste-management personnel moved many tons of tree limbs and other storm-related debris quickly and without complaint. These employees do a great job.

I support their/our decision to drop SPSA. This agency only picked up limited items, every other week. They wanted us to pay $1 per month per household. Then they quickly dropped it to 50 cents per household when they found out Virginia Beach is not filled with dummies at the city's management office.

Recycling is not a nuisance, as you wrote. However, it is the responsibility of everyone to reuse what we can instead of filling up scarce landfills. We have hopes the city can sell or give away newspaper, but if it becomes too expensive, dump it until there is a better solution!

Curbside recycling may again come to Virginia Beach neighborhoods, but it will and must be a Virginia Beach-run program. Give them time to find the best and least costly way. Don't keep slamming people who are doing their best.


Virginia Beach, Sept. 3, 1996 by CNB