THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1997, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Sunday, January 19, 1997 TAG: 9701210416 SECTION: CAROLINA COAST PAGE: 15 EDITION: FINAL COLUMN: Tight Lines SOURCE: Damon Tatem LENGTH: 36 lines
Fishing along the Dare coast has been slow recently.
A few striped bass have been landed at scattered locations along the northern beaches where water temperatures have remained in the mid- to upper 40s. Fish also have been reported by anglers trolling around shoaled areas east of the Oregon Inlet bridge.
A few stripers also have been caught south of Oregon Inlet along the beach toward Rodanthe.
Fairly warm weather and southerly winds Jan. 7 and 8 resulted in improved action in the surf south of Cape Point. Anglers in the area landed a few puppy drum and a few speckled trout. Water temperatures in the area were in the mid-50's.
Some bluefish also were taken Jan. 7 along the beach from Rodanthe to Ramp 34, but action was short lived.
A few striped bass have been caught most evenings by anglers fishing at Cape point. Morning action has been slow. Dogfish have been plentiful throughout the Hatteras area.
Stripers continue to be abundant in the Croatan Sound area, although they must be released because the season's over. Lots of fish were surface-feeding by the Manns Harbor bridge Jan. 10.
Blue water action has been slow off Oregon Inlet.
Scattered small bluefin tuna were taken by charters around the Rockpile off Hatteras Jan. 6 through 8. Recent reports indicate good concentrations of bigger bluefins off Morehead City.
Stripers still are being landed regularly off the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. These fish should provide some mid-winter surf action along North Carolina beaches as cold weather pushes them south.