As is the case every Memorial Day weekend, the State Police will be conducting CARE (Combined Accident Reduction Effort), a national program that emphasizes highway safety.
Every available trooper will be patrolling the roads and checking for safety belt usage and speed limit compliance and enforcing DUI laws starting today and lasting through midnight Monday.
Police are also asking folks to avoid aggressive drivers. If someone ticks you off while driving, simply ignore it. If someone really ticks you off, write down his or her license plate number and call the police.
Don't take matters into your own hands. It's downright dangerous out there nowadays and you just don't know who you're facing or what they're packing.
The following people called Road's INFOLINE number with their complaints.
Nathan Hall, Pocahontas Village. I made the fatal mistake of trying to make a left hand turn off COLUMBUS STREET at CONSTITUTION by the movie theater. They really need a light there. Are they planning to do anything about that anytime soon?
Also, I notice they're putting up a new light at KELLAM and CLEVELAND. When are they going to turn that thing on? Thanks much. Bye.
RW: At this writing, Nathan, there are no plans for a signal at Columbus and Constitution. However, there is talk of extending Constitution through to Bonney Road. If that happens, a light will probably be included in the project. For now, though, there are no plans.
As for the new signal at Kellam and Cleveland, it looks like things are ready to go. Once the switch is flipped (any day now, if it hasn't already happened) the light will be in the yellow flashing mode for up to 48 hours so that everyone can get used to it being there and then it will go full operational.
Fred Weigle, Plaza Trail Court. If you could send a bumper sticker I'd appreciate it. I find one of the best things to do is when you have the lead at the light and you see somebody trying to come out through the red light, gun it just a little bit to put the fear of God into them. It works for me every time.
RW: You're a brave man, Fred. Problem is, what happens when you meet someone who isn't afraid of God?
Sid Zeitlin, no address given. In front of Super Kmart on HOLLAND ROAD there are two sets of traffic lights within one block of each other. Why can't the engineers adjust them so that they don't cause traffic jams? I would suggest that both sets act as one set. Thank you.
RW: Engineers do coordinate both clocks to mimic each other but sometimes they get a little out of sync. Engineers say they'll go back out and reset them.
Virgil Cochran, Thalia Wayside. I think that it's high time that the city put cameras at intersections to catch these idiots that are running red lights. At the rate that I noticed in the past year or two of people running red lights, I think it'll take less than a year for these cameras to pay for themselves.
Another idea that I've seen in other cities that might be helpful here is cameras mounted in strategic locations that can take pictures of people speeding. These are also quite effective, and it's fun to watch these cameras work at night. When the flash goes off the drivers get so scared that they slam on the brakes, but the idiots don't realize it's already too late and they've been caught. Have a good day. Bye.
RW: Road's with you, Virgil. The cameras will surely be paid for within a year. As for catching speeders, too, that would be fine, but let's work on getting the cameras installed in the first place. Seems that's going to be a high hurdle in itself.
Jeff Butler, Kempsville Lakes. As you come down BAXTER ROAD from INDEPENDENCE and turn left to get on OPEN GREENS DRIVE, the left light has the arrow all the time regardless of whether a car's there or not. Wondering if you could have someone check that out. Coming the other way it gets annoying to sit at that light when there's no one turning.
RW: Jeff, Road changed Kempsville Greens to Open Greens Drive because that's the real name of the street that intersects with Baxter and Bonney roads.
Anyhow, that left turn lane has a bad loop and it's on the list to be fixed. Problem is, Road can't tell you when that'll happen. Engineers are aware there's a problem.
Vic, Stratford Chase. We've got a neighborhood park on MINDEN ROAD and every afternoon people park on both sides of the street and you can't get through. There used to be a ``no parking'' sign on one side but it's gone. Something really needs to happen over there. Thanks.
RW: The sign may have intentionally been taken down. Engineers look at the problem of space this way - there is no problem as long as an emergency vehicle can fit even if that means a car has to stop at one end to let them in. How serious of a problem are we talking about? Barely one car fitting? How hard of a time would an emergency vehicle have? Road wants to help, but again, there are only certain circumstances that will dictate another sign being erected.
Sherri North, no address given. This in reference to Kathy Johnson's call about the short pedestrian crossing on SOUTH LYNNHAVEN and SILINA. I witnessed a mother and her child trying to cross the street and almost get run over. She was there putting her hands up to stop the cars. This is really a dangerous area and something needs to be done. Maybe a delayed green when there's a pedestrian?
RW: First, there are signs posted there that warn drivers that pedestrians have the right of way so Road certainly hopes drivers are paying attention to those.
Second, engineers said they'd go check out the pedestrian signal's timing and maybe add a second or so. It'll work this way - you get the ``walk'' sign, you step off the curb, take a step or so, and then you'll get a longer flashing ``don't walk'' sign. Remember, it only flashes to let newcomers to the curb know that they're too late to step off. It also lets those in the road know that they need to go ahead and proceed to the other side.
So, if the timing is changed, you'll see the change in a longer flashing ``don't walk'' sign.
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