
DATE: Sunday, June 1, 1997                  TAG: 9705310716



                                            LENGTH:   31 lines


Recently, I made an industrial-size rod-carrying case by starting with a 10-foot section of PVC sewer and drain pipe. The pipe has a six-inch inside diameter and is relatively thin-wall.

First, I cut it down to 7-feet-1, just a tad longer than a 7-foot rod.

Next, I glued a cap to one end after removing the cap's vinyl seal. I had trouble getting the cap on with the seal in place. I used a similar cap for the opposite end.

To keep the removable cap in place, I drilled a 3/16-inch hole in it and aligned the hole with a 1/8-inch tapped hole in the pipe. A wing nut keeps the cap in place, yet provides easy removal.

This rig will hold at least 20 rods, sans reels. It's heavy and unweildy but puts everything into a single package. It's great for overnight transporting, since you can remove it from your boat or vehicle and store it in a motel room.

If it's too much for you, you can do the same thing with a piece of thin-wall PVC pipe with a four-inch inside diameter. It'll be a lot lighter.

On either, write your name, address and telephone number with an indelible pen and you'll have a great rod case. MEMO: Do you have an outdoor tip worth sharing? Mail it to: Bob

Hutchinson, The Virginian-Pilot, 150 West Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va.

23501 or call 446-2342.

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