
DATE: Wednesday, July 9, 1997               TAG: 9707090350

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B8   EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: VIRGINIA BEACH                    LENGTH:   25 lines


Julie Elizabeth Hallberg, 47, died at her residence on Monday, July 7, 1997.

A native of Ann Arbor, Mich., Julie was a teacher at Linkhorn Park Elementary School, Virginia Beach, and was a member of the Virginia Beach Education Association.

She was preceded in death by her mother, Jane R. Hallberg.

Surviving family are her father, Carl W. Hallberg; a sister, Lynn Hall of Kalamazoo, Mich.; a brother, C. William Hallberg Jr. of Greenville, N.C.; two nieces, two nephews and a great-nephew. Also surviving are longtime friends, Rex and Deloris Steele of Virginia Beach.

A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Friday in Galilee Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, by the Rev. John Burley. Memorials are requested to be made to the Julie Hallberg Library Fund, c/o Linkhorn Park Elementary School, 1413 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach. Following the service, everyone is invited to meet the family at the home of Joy Bankart, 3373 Glen Eden Quay, Virginia Beach. Kellum Funeral Home, Pleasant Hall, Kempsville, is in charge. KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY

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