DATE: Wednesday, July 9, 1997 TAG: 9707090452 SECTION: LOCAL PAGE: B2 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Briefs LENGTH: 147 lines
Public schools radio
station to broadcast
interview with Howell
WFOS, the radio station of the Chesapeake public schools at 88.7 FM, will broadcast a special program Saturday dedicated to the memory of Henry Howell, the Norfolk native and former lieutenant governor, state senator and delegate who died at his Norfolk home early Monday.
Station director Dennis McCurdy said the program, which airs at 8:05 a.m., will feature an interview he conducted with Howell at his Larchmont home in August 1979.
``Two decades ago in Virginia when you said Henry, just about everybody would answer Howell,'' McCurdy said. ``But now mention the name and not too many would recognize it, and it's too bad because this man took Virginia politics and changed it forever. He helped kill the Byrd machine.''
McCurdy said the session with Howell was a candid look at his career and Virginia politics.
``He let his hair down quite a bit for this,'' McCurdy said. ``It was at the tail end of his active career in Virginia politics, and it was a nice revealing interview.''
For more information about the program, call WFOS at 547-1036.
Program aims to increase
ferry rides, decrease traffic
TRAFFIX, a regional resource for commuter services, has developed a Park & Sail program to increase commuter ridership on the Elizabeth River Ferry and decrease vehicles going through the Downtown Tunnel between Norfolk and Portsmouth.
TRAFFIX worked with the city of Portsmouth to reserve 15 parking spaces in the Crawford Square Parking Garage on the corner of High and Water streets for people using the ferry to commute to Norfolk. The city leases the spaces to TRAFFIX at a discounted rate.
Parking signs are marked with the TRAFFIX logo and decals are placed in cars to identify registered commuters.
TRAFFIX has a waiting list of people from various downtown Norfolk employees who would like spaces when they become available. TRAFFIX and the city of Portsmouth will re-evaluate the program in the fall and plan to make other spaces available for ferry commuters.
Police to ``ticket'' youth
caught doing good deeds
7-Eleven launches a summer campaign today that will have police officers ``ticketing'' young people caught committing random acts of kindness across South Hampton Roads.
The national program, called ``Operation Chill,'' was developed with local 7-Eleven stores to recognize young people for being good citizens.
Officers in each city will issue 5,000 7-Eleven coupons worth more than $3,200 total to youngsters they observe doing something helpful. In Hampton Roads, more than 32,000 coupons will be distributed.
Close to a million Slurpee coupons will be distributed around the country. The ``tickets'' can be redeemed for 12-ounce Slurpees at participating 7-Eleven stores.
Local delegates, senators
to attend welfare meeting
Members of the Western Tidewater business community are welcome to attend a breakfast meeting on welfare reform at 8 a.m. on July 17 at the Pruden Boulevard Holiday Inn. Reservations are due Thursday.
Scheduled to attend are several local delegates and senators, including Sen. Richard J. Holland, Sen L. Louise Lucas, Sen. Frederick M. Quayle, Del. J. Paul Councill Jr., Del. William K. Barlow, Del. Robert E. Nelms and Del. Lionell Spruill Sr.
The meeting will inform business leaders about the new changes in state welfare laws that will be implemented in Hampton Roads on Oct. 1. Speakers will also focus on job training and creation in the private sector for welfare participants.
For more information or to confirm a reservation, call these municipal government offices: Suffolk, 539-0216; Isle of Wight, 365-0880; Southampton, 653-3080; Franklin, 562-8517.
New ODU center sponsors
open house, including tours
Old Dominion University's Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center will hold an open house ceremony from 1 to 5 p.m. Friday at 7000 College Drive in Suffolk.
The ceremony will include tours of the 6,500-square-foot facility, which is located at Tidewater Community College's Portsmouth campus.
James V. Koch, president of ODU, Vice Adm. William J. Fallon of the Navy and state Sen. J. Richard Holland will speak. Demonstrations of the center's projects will also be shown.
The simulation center was created last year to transfer the military's technology into the commercial sector. The military uses models and computers to recreate real life experiences to train troops for war.
For more information, contact Thomas Mastaglio, the center's executive director, at 686-6200.
National Night Out opens
headquarters in Portsmouth
The grand opening of the National Night Out Headquarters will be at 2 p.m. today in the center court of Tower Mall on Victory Boulevard.
Last year, Portsmouth won recognition for outstanding participation in the nationwide observance.
The city ranked 10th in its population category.
This year the committee is going for first place, said Betty Wright, coordinator of the event.
The city has a new theme, ``Get on Board the National Night Out Train.''
Local model train enthusiasts will have a model train display set up inside the headquarters, which will be open through Aug. 5.
The display is sponsored by the Tidewater Division of the Mid-Eastern Region and National Railroad Association. Members will be running HO and O scale trains.
About 8,750 communities and 27.5 million people have participated in the nationwide event held annually to heighten crime prevention awareness and to promote neighborhood spirit and police and community relations.
Information will be available at the local headquarters on crime and drug prevention, as well as on the city's plans for National Night Out.
Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays.
For more information, call 558-2824.
ALSO. . . Norfolk - The Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia elected its new board officers for the 1997-98 fiscal year, effective July 1.
William Nusbaum of Hofheimer, Nusbaum, McPhaul & Samuels is president; Peter Huber of Willcox & Savage is vice president; and George C. Crawley of Crawley Group is the secretary/treasurer.
Also, Linda C. Berger has been selected as the director of development effective July 15.
Portsmouth - The Tidewater Community Band will give a public concert at 11 a.m. Saturday at Trophy Park in the Naval Shipyard. The 90-minute concert will be followed by a public tour of the recently commissioned guided missile destroyer Ross, now berthed at the shipyard. Visitors may enter the Navy Yard through Gate 3 off First Street adjacent to the Elizabeth River.
MEMO: Staff writers Katrice Franklin, Janie Bryant, Eric Feber and Louis
Hansen contributed to this report. ILLUSTRATION: Photo
Henry Howell
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