DATE: Thursday, August 7, 1997 TAG: 9708060021 SECTION: LOCAL PAGE: B10 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Opinion SOURCE: BY BOB FOX and RAYMOND STILES LENGTH: 67 lines
We represent a broad spectrum of community leaders who are deeply concerned about the sale and use of pornography in Hampton Roads communities. In all of its forms, pornography (the Greek roots of this word mean ``viewing the activities of prostitutes'') humiliates, degrades and undermines the dignity and personhood of women by dehumanizing them as sex objects and play toys for men. Sexual violence against women is often viewed as acceptable in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.
Pornography directly attacks the sacredness and stability of marriage and families by encouraging men to see women other than their wives as sexually available objects. Sex outside of marriage is portrayed as better and more exciting than sex in marriage. Marriage is depicted as the major stumbling block to really good sex.
Pornography attacks the basic moral codes of most religions concerning sexual activity outside of marriage. Eighty-eight percent of rapists and 87 percent of child molesters admit to regular use of pornography. Pornography is used to seduce children and youth into sex with adults. In many ``hard-core'' pornographic videos, magazines and Web pages, the most degrading sexual acts known to man are routinely showcased: bestiality, incest, sexual torture and bondage, and many other practices too indecent to mention here.
Pornography promotes the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including the incurable forms of herpes and the usually fatal infections with AIDS. Pornography greatly influences the increase of unwanted teen-age and adult pregnancies and their consequent abortions. Pornography is often addictive just like drugs and alcohol. One of us signing this letter almost pulled the trigger and killed himself due to severe addiction to pornography.
Since many of these facts are considered true by a broad spectrum of social scientists and law-enforcement officials, what can we do as civic, religious, business, government and community leaders to protect our people from this mental and moral toxic waste called pornography?
First, we appeal to the businesses that sell or rent pornographic videos, books, magazines or computer software to voluntarily get rid of those products from your stores. Please, for the sake of the people you serve, stop selling or renting those materials, including the so-called ``soft-porn'' magazines and all NC-17 videos.
Pornography is a $6 billion to $8 billion industry. We commend the 7-Eleven stores in Hampton Roads that stopped years ago despite the obvious financial loss to them.
Second, we call upon people of all faiths to pray and work to eliminate pornography from our communities. Encourage store managers not to sell it, enforce the many laws to remove it where applicable and pray for the protection of all our people from the universally destructive effects of pornography.
If you need help in understanding the issue or need help opposing pornography, contact the National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families at 513-521-6227, fax 513-521-6337. The organization can also put you in touch with the Religious Alliance Against Pornography - a broad-based coalition of religious leaders from Jewish, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Mormon and Protestant faith groups that are committed to the elimination of pornography in America.
Pornography hurts everyone. Let's pray and work together to protect our families and children from it. MEMO: The Rev. Bob Fox heads Cornerstone Community Services in
Chesapeake. Dr. Raymond Stiles heads Hampton Roads United Christians. In
all, 40 South Hampton Roads residents signed this protest, including 22
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