
DATE: Tuesday, August 19, 1997              TAG: 9708190310

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B2   EDITION: FINAL 

                                            LENGTH:   23 lines



Apartment building fire destroys roof; no tenants injured

A four-unit apartment building in Park View was destroyed during an early morning fire Monday.

No one was injured in the fire, which gutted the building, according to Capt. William S. Stublen.

Stublen said firefighters got the call at about 1 a.m. People in adownstairs apartment had smelled smoke and climbed out of windows.

Seven engine and ladder companies responded to the two-alarm fire, which was under control about 2:45 p.m.

Two of the units were vacant, and about 21 people were living in the other two units of the building, Stublen said.

Stublen said the origin of the fire is still under investigation. MEMO: Staff writers Jo-Ann Clegg, Janie Bryant and Susie Stoughton

contributed to this report.

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