
DATE: Thursday, August 28, 1997             TAG: 9708280436

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B10  EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: NORFOLK                           LENGTH:   19 lines


Jayla A. Wilson, infant daughter of Nneka Palmer and Keyoki Wilson, passed away Aug. 22, 1997. She was born in Norfolk.

Survivors include a host of relatives and friends who maintain loving memories.

You passed at birth but we care for you still. We still feel your presence from the first time we felt you move until we held you in our arms. Although you may not be here with us physically we still hold you in our hearts. Love, Mom and Dad.

A graveside service will be conducted at noon today in Riverside Cemetery. Metropolitan Funeral Service is in charge of arrangements. KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY

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