
DATE: Friday, September 12, 1997            TAG: 9709120621


                                            LENGTH:   70 lines



DESIGN SHOP OPENS: Native Interiors, an interior design shop owned by Michael Thomas, recently opened in Surfside Plaza.

The store will feature accents for the home: arts, crafts, furnishings and gifts by North Carolina craftsmen and artists.

For details, call 441-2009.

BEACH CLEANUP SCHEDULED: Big Sweep, the annual statewide beach and waterway cleanup, will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 20.

The event is coordinated locally by the Outer Banks Surfriders Foundation. Trash bags will be provided by the Wilmington area chapter and the national headquarters of the organization.

For more information or bag pickup locations, call Joan Van Newenhizen during the day at 473-6400 or evenings at 491-8639.

Trash bags can be picked up at the following sites:

Corova Volunteer Fire Department.

Corolla Surf Shop.

Duck Fire Station.

Southern Shores at the intersection of Route 12 and Duck Road.

Kitty Hawk Pier.

Kitty Hawk Bath House.

Avalon Pier in Kill Devil Hills.

Kill Devil Hills Bath House, Ocean Bay Boulevard.

8th Street Beach Access, Kill Devil Hills/Nags Head town line.

Jockey's Ridge State Park.

Nags Head Bath House, Bonnet Street.

Jennette's Pier, Nags Head.

Coquina Beach, National Seashore area.

Ramp No. 4 across from Oregon Inlet Fishing Center.

Pea Island Refuge.

Caimen Gardens in Manteo.

Alligator River National Refuge Visitor Center.

Local business owners will sponsor a Trash Fest to celebrate the efforts of participants, who will receive a ticket to the event in exchange for a bag of trash they have collected. Non-participants will be charged a fee of $10 per person.

There will be live music, food, beverages, activities for children, and a raffle, with proceeds going to the Environmental Fund of the Outer Banks Community Foundation.


MONEY PROVIDES TRAINING FOR EDUCATORS: The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction will receive more than $1 million to provide technology training for educators as part of a five-year, $9.8 million Star Schools grant awarded to the United Star Distance Learning Consortium for distribution among its members.

Sharing in the award are four other state departments of education, the remaining members of the consortium. They are Florida, Illinois, New Mexico and Texas.

North Carolina educators' training will occur over the StarNet satellite network in five areas: assisting students with special needs, helping administrators become advocates for teaching and learning with technology, guiding prospective teachers from pre-service to in-service training programs, establishing technology-based in-service training programs, and developing effective student assessment models.

For more details, call (919)715-1530.


FISHERIES MEETING CANCELED: The Friday session of the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission meeting has been canceled. The meeting concluded Thursday.

For details, call Jess Hawkins at (800) 682-2632 or (919) 726-7021.

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