
DATE: Wednesday, September 17, 1997         TAG: 9709160512

SECTION: FRONT                   PAGE: A4   EDITION: FINAL 



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Born: Jan. 13, 1953, in Groton, Conn. I've lived in the district 25 years.

Education: Bachelor's in liberal arts, University of Conn.

Graduate studies at Old Dominion University and Va. Tech

Occupation: Language teacher, Western Branch High School, 1983 to present

Party affiliation and official endorsements:< Democrat; VEA-PAC; AFL-CIO PAC

Political experience/community service: Member of 1997 Democratic State Convention credentials committee; Member of 1996 Democratic State Convention Resolutions committee; Secretary of Chesapeake Democratic Committee - 1995 to present; Member of Chesapeake Democratic Women - 1994 to present; Member of Mayor's Task Force on Year-Round Schools - 1993; President of Chesapeake Education Association - 1990 to 1994; President of Chesapeake Bay Education Association - 1992 to 1993; Member of Chesapeake General Hospital Holiday Wonderland fund-raising committee - 1996 to present; Member of Western Branch High School PTA - 1983 to present; Volunteer coach for girls' softball - 1983 to 1984< How can citizens reach you: P.O. Box 9743, Chesapeake, Va. 23321-9743; 757-484-2363

As citizens of the 76th District of the Virginia House of Delegates, we face a future filled with opportunities and challenges. I want to be your delegate to the General Assembly because I relish a challenge, and I know that the decisions we make today will affect our communities for years to come. As an advocate for children, I want to help create a future which ensures opportunity and prosperity for all of us. The issues of transportation, roads, growth and taxes are critical. I believe, however, that the most vital opportunity and critical challenge we face is education.

In my mind there are four priority concerns:

Safe and orderly schools

Parental and community involvement in schools

Mastery of basic skills

Preparing students for the jobs of the future

As a teacher, I know that students learn best in an environment that is safe and orderly. Overcrowded buildings and school yards filled with mobile classrooms create situations that steal instructional time. Discipline is difficult to maintain when we have too many students in hallways, bathrooms and cafeterias. I worry about our students in the most distant mobile facility and our ability to reach them quickly when an emergency occurs.

Everyone in the community invests in our schools and everyone benefits when our children achieve. The new Standards of Learning in Virginia have established high expectations for students, teachers and the school community. I support rigorous academic standards. I want our children to achieve. My experience tells me that, if this is to happen, we must work in partnership - schools-parent-community - to see that every student can reach the new standards.

Our children will succeed when they have fully mastered the basic skills. In today's world, the basics go far beyond the traditional 3 R's. Computers, graphing calculators, and the Internet have become a part of the ``basics.'' For us to meet the new standards, the state will have to do a better job of funding its full share of the cost of education.

Whether our graduates head to college or go directly into the workforce, they must leave our schools prepared. Prepared not only for jobs, but also prepared to be responsible citizens.

When we provide a safe and orderly environment where children can learn; when we work in partnership with a commitment to quality instruction; when we can guarantee that our children have mastered the basics; when we know the next generation can work to provide for their own needs, we guarantee our own success and prosperity.

As an experienced educator and advocate for our children, I have the knowledge and ability to ensure that our voice is heard in the legislature. As a longtime member of this community, I have a commitment and desire to make our dreams for our children a reality. As a fighter with great passion about the things I hold dear, I will give the citizens of this district my very best.


Born: June 23, 1958, in Suffolk.

Education: Medical College of Virginia - Bachelor of Science Degree in Pharmacy; Randolph-Macon College; John Yates High School

Occupation: Owner of Bennett's Creek Pharmacy/Pharmacist

Party affiliation and official endorsements: Republican; National Federation of Independent Businesses

Political experience/community service: Mayor, city of Suffolk - 1992-1996; Vice mayor, city of Suffolk - 1986-1990; Suffolk City Council - 1986 to present; Western Tidewater Regional Jail Authority - Board of Directors; Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance - Board of Directors; Suffolk Business Partner's Program; Suffolk Literacy Council, Inc. - Board of Directors; Chuckatuck Volunteer Fire Department

How can citizens reach you: Friends of Chris Jones, P.O. Box 5058, Suffolk, Va. 23435-0058; 483-6242

For the past 11 years, I have proven myself as a leader on the Suffolk City Council. I have worked with members of the community, elected and appointed officials to improve our schools, strengthen law enforcement and create good jobs. I will bring the same common-sense approach to the House of Delegates.

I have always been a strong supporter of public education, and I'm committed to ensuring that the decisions governing our children's education are made at the local level - by teachers and parents. This is why I am a member of the Suffolk Business Partners, a public-private partnership dedicated to challenging our children to achieve academic excellence. I support smaller class sizes, returning discipline to our schools and refocusing education on the basics of reading, math, history and science.

The invasion of crime and drugs are no longer a big-city problem. I support tougher penalties for drug dealers, and I will fight to give our local police and sheriff's deputies the tools they need to fight drugs and crime in our communities.

The House of Delegates must work to reduce the size and scope of state government. I strongly oppose unfunded mandates from Richmond to localities and believe that we must reduce the tax burden on our citizens. ILLUSTRATION: Photos

Michelle Degnan



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