DATE: Friday, October 3, 1997 TAG: 9710010160 SECTION: CHESAPEAKE CLIPPER PAGE: 1E EDITION: FINAL LENGTH: 179 lines
Lists of property crimes and robberies in the city are provided to The Clipper by Chesapeake Police. They include the address at which the crime occurred, the missing items and the approximate date. For robberies, a description of suspects also is provided.
(The rural southeast section)
Grand larceny, 1700 block of Indian Creek Road. Missing: two Coleman coolers, an American Camper propane stove, an American Camper backpack, an american Camper sleeping bag, assorted clothes and assorted camping items. Sept. 6.
Petty larceny, 1700 block of Indian Creek Road, Northwest River Park. Missing: Coach leather purse. Sept. 5-6.
Commercial burglary, 800 block of S. Battlefield Blvd. Missing: cash register. Sept. 10.
(Including the Great Dismal Swamp)
Residential burglary, 2300 Eagle Drive. Missing: Whirlpool refrigerator and Sylvania television. Sept. 2-4
Grand larceny, 3800 block of Cooke Blvd. Missing: AM/FM cassette radio, a portable walkman compact disc player, driver's license, credit cards and a black leather pouch. Sept. 4.
Grand larceny, 200 block of Mill Creek Parkway. Missing: grill and bike. Sept. 3.
Residential burglary, 5000 block of Sondej Ave. Missing: Sony videocassette recorder, JVC compact disc player, Sony receiver, Rutger rifle, Beretta shotgun, a Browning rifle, Winchester rifle and a Remington rifle. Sept. 6.
Residential burglary, 500 block of Sawmark court. Missing: General Electric microwave and answering machine. Sept. 5-6.
Residential burglary, 1500 block of Boxwood Drive. Missing: three Craftsman saws, a Black and Decker saw, a Coleman cooler, a Craftsman sander, three fishing poles, a Craftsman screwdriver and case. Sept. 7.
Commercial burglary, 200 block of Gruen Drive. Missing: Homelite pump, a tamper and two hoses. Sept. 6-7.
Grand larceny, 3100 block of S. Military Highway, Bailey's Body Shop. Missing: a Chevrolet hood from a Nova. Sept. 5.
Residential burglary, 1500 block of Boxwood Drive. Missing: a McCullough weedeater. Sept. 4-8.
Grand larceny, 900 block of Ferryman Quay. Missing: Alpine FM/AM CD receiver, two Pioneer speakers, 50 compact discs and a pair of Oakley sunglasses. Sept. 8-9.
Petty larceny, 900 block of Ferryman Quay. Missing: a radar detector and fireworks Sept. 8-9.
Petty larceny, 500 block of Hullen Road. Missing: a Sony AM/FM cassette radio. Sept. 9.
Grand larceny, 700 block of Dana Drive. Missing: Clarion compact disc player and a Virginia registration card. Sept. 10.
Grand larceny, 700 block of Dana Drive. Missing: Kenwood stereo, amplifier, radar detector and a targa top for Corvette.
Grand larceny, 4100 block of S. Military Highway. Missing: Sony Stereo. Sept. 10.
(Including Great Bridge)
Residential burglary, 800 block of Streamside Crescent. Missing: three bicycles, two Treks and a Schwinn. June 24-28.
Residential burglary, 400 block of Chandler Drive. Missing: General Electric microwave oven, cordless telephone, Panasonic fax machine and a Sanyo copy machine. Sept. 8-9.
Commercial burglary, 600 block of Broad Winsor Crescent. Missing: General Electric microwave and a Brother fax machine. Sept. 9-10.
Commercial burglary, 1200 block of Cedar Road. Missing: cash register. Sept. 10.
(The old city of South Norfolk)
Grand larceny, 2300 block of Chesapeake Ave. Missing: Pioneer stereo. Sept. 3-4.
Residential burglary, 1300 block of Commerce St. Missing: Magnavox speaker and videocassette recorder. Sept. 6.
Residential burglary, 3000 block of Welcome Road. Missing: plastic fish tank. Sept. 7.
Commercial burglary, 1100 block of Bainbridge Blvd., Albano Cleaners. Missing: cash register. Sept. 5.
Grand larceny, 2000 block of Midway Ave. Missing: Chrysler New Yorker, Turquoise, Virginia tags No. UP26ll. Sept. 5-6.
Grand larceny, 1000 block of Rodgers St. Missing: 1989 Pontiac GrandAM, silver, Virginia tags No. ZDW-3322. Sept. 7.
Residential burglary, 2000 block of Girard Ave. Missing: Sony television, Smith & Weson gun, Ruger gun, Pioneer stereo, Pioneer compact disc player, Technics tape deck, Pioneer timer, Panasonic VCR and four Boss speakers. Sept. 1-7.
Residential burglary, 2600 block of Harvard Drive. Missing: flute and a pair of earrings. Sept. 8.
Petty larceny, 900 block of Stewart St. Missing: Virginia tags No. ZDW-2295. Sept. 7-8.
Grand larceny, 1300 block of Poindexter St., Quality Contracting. Missing: Motorola cellular telephone and two Kenwood portable radios. Sept. 8.
Grand larceny, 2900 block of Hilton Ave. Missing: Infinity speaker box, CD player and seven CDs. Sept. 8-9.
Grand larceny, 1400 block of 22nd St., McDonald' parking lot. Missing: a 1993 Ford F150 pickup, Red, Virginia tags No. ZYP-9784. Sept. 9.
Residential burglary, 2000 block of Linster St. Missing: miscellaneous clothing articles. Sept. 10-11.
(Including Indian River and Greenbrier)
Grand larceny, 1100 block of Executive Blvd. Missing: car compact disc player. Sept. 4.
Grand larceny, 1400 block of Greenbrier Parkway. Missing: Sony stereo. Sept. 4.
Grand larceny, 1400 block of Greenbrier Parkway. Missing: Shoulder bag, driver's license, checkbook and case, wallet, five keys, currency and six credit cards. Sept. 4.
Petty larceny, 100 Cedar Court. Missing: three electronic meters and electronic part. Sept. 3-4.
Grand larceny, 1400 block of Greenbrier Parkway. Missing: Sony compact disc player stereo. Sept. 4.
Grand larceny, 1200 block of Oleander Ave. Missing: 1988 GMC Pickup, silver/burgundy, Virginia ZPZ-3578. Sept. 3-4.
Strong-armed robbery, 400 block of Kilbride Drive. Victims were standing in the yard with their bicycles when a black male walked up and demanded their bicycles. The suspect grabbed one bicycle, but the victim held on to the bike. Suspect turned to the other victim, and the victim dropped his bike. Suspect rode off toward Mattax Drive. Description of suspect: black male, 13-16 years old, 5-foot-5, wearing a black and white shirt. Sept. 6.
Residential burglary, 1100 block of Elder Ave. Missing: currency and beer. Sept. 5-6.
Residential burglary, 2100 block of Carolina Road. Missing: Honda 50cc mini-bike. Sept. 6.
Commercial burglary, 2100 block of Old Greenbrier Road, Suburban Lodge. Missing: Raven firearm, Sony Playstation and six Sony game cartridges. Sept. 2-8.
Grand larceny, 3100 block of Petre Road. Missing: Kenwood stereo. Sept. 7-8.
Petty larceny, 1700 block of S. Military Highway. Missing: Audiovox cellular telephone. Aug. 28-Sept. 1.
Residential burglary, 3100 block of Kemet Road. Missing: Sony Play Station. Aug. 28.
Commercial burglary, 1900 block of S. Military Highway. Missing: cash register. Sept. 9-10.
Petty larceny, 100 block of Red Cedar Court. Missing: a pair work boots and set jumper cables. Aug. 31.
Petty larceny, 900 block of Ventures Way. Missing: Virginia inspection sticker. Sept. 9-10.
Grand larceny, 500 block of Track Crossing. Missing: a hot tub. Sept. 10-11.
Petty larceny, 1400 block of Greenbrier Parkway. Missing: a drill and five drill bits. Sept. 10.
Petty larceny, 1000 block of Austin Drive. Missing: Nike book bag. Sept. 9-10.
Grand larceny, 1400 block of Greenbrier Parkway. Missing: Sony CD player and 125 CDs. Sept. 11.
Grand larceny, 1000 block of Austin Drive. Missing: Optimus speaker. Sept. 10.
(Suburban area west of Portsmouth)
Armed robbery, 3200 block of Western Branch Blvd. Victim advised that a black male entered the store and presented to purchase a pack of gum. When the victim opened the register, the suspect demanded all the money from the register. The suspect was holding a black revolver in his right hand. The suspect fled on foot in an unknown direction. Description of suspect: black male, 5-foot-8, 150 pounds, wearing a black cap, black jacket and black pants. He had a scar on the right side of his face. Sept. 7.
Residential burglary, 4000 block of Elizabeth Harbor Drive. Missing: air conditioner. Sept 6.
Commercial burglary, 4100 block of Portsmouth Blvd., Zero's Subs. Missing: currency. Sept. 6.
Commercial burglary, 4100 block of Portsmouth Blvd., SuperCuts. Missing: currency. Sept. 6.
Commerical burglary, 4100 block of Portsmouth Blvd., Pack 'N Mail. Missing: currency and a bicycle. Sept. 6.
Grand larceny, 4200 block of Portsmouth Blvd. Missing: Brown leather jacket and Cobra pool cue. Sept. 6.
Commercial burglary, 3900 block of Portsmouth Blvd., Szechuan Inn. Missing: NCR cash register containing currency. Sept. 7.
Petty larceny, 4500 block of Leeward Drive. Missing: purse. Sept. 7-8.
Grand larceny, 4000 block of Pierce Lane. Missing: Chrysler New Yorker, blue, license plate No. PVT 724. Sept. 11.
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