
DATE: Monday, October 6, 1997               TAG: 9710060017

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B8   EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: COLERAIN                          LENGTH:   28 lines


William Lesley Dial, 67, of the 1500 block of Wakelon Road, died Oct. 3, 1997, in Bertie Memorial Hospital.

Mr. Dial, formerly of Sunbury, was a native of Robertson County. He was a retired chef in the U.S. Navy, having served 21 years and a recall to Desert Storm. He also served four years in the U.S. Army. Mr. Dial attended Askewville Bethel Assembly of God Church. He was the son of the late Onie and Mary Jane Clark Dial.

Surviving are his wife, Betsy Hughes Dial; four daughters, Jenette Dial, Marie Dial and Mona T. Galiano, all of Sunbury, Lynnette Castello of Colerain; six sons, Manuel L. Dial, George Dial and David Dial, all of Sunbury, William A. Dial of Virginia Beach, Joseph A. Dial of Chesapeake and Timothy Mizelle of Colerain; three sisters, Jacksey Locklear and Ruth Locklear of Porpest, Naomi Chavis of Maxton; two brothers, Danford Dial of Pembrook and Manley Dial of Porpest; and nine grandchildren.

A funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Askewville Bethel Assembly of God Church by the Rev. R.O. Denton Jr. Burial will be in the family cemetery in Sunbury with military honors. The body will be taken to his home in Sunbury Wednesday for visitation. Harrell Funeral Home, Gatesville, is in charge of arrangments. KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY

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