
DATE: Wednesday, October 8, 1997            TAG: 9710080381

SECTION: LOCAL                   PAGE: B9   EDITION: FINAL 

DATELINE: VIRGINIA BEACH                    LENGTH:   57 lines


Jody Luriene Andrews Van Donselaar, 51, died Oct. 5, 1997, in Virginia Beach General Hospital. She had bravely fought melanoma cancer for six weeks.

Mrs. Van Donselaar was a native Texan. She was born in Mexia, Texas, on March 5, 1946. Jody grew up in Groesbeck and professed her faith at the First Baptist Church when she was 7. She loved music and at the age of 15 began playing piano for the church. In 1964 after graduating from Groesbeck High School, she headed to Austin, eager to continue her education at the University of Texas. It was during her first summer in Austin that she met Verne Van Donselaar, a young, handsome lieutenant from Fort Hood. They dated for two years and pledged their love in wedding vows in 1966.

Jody graduated from UT in 1968 with a degree in elementary education. She was wonderful with children and enjoyed teaching first graders at Brykerwoods Elementary School in Austin from 1968 to 1971. Her patience and tender touch was one of her many God-given gifts. Once she and Verne had children of their own, Jody dedicated herself to her family. While supporting her husband's career with USPA & IRA, she raised her two children with unconditional love. Jody also volunteered for many church, school and community activities. In Fort Worth, she was the leader of two Camp Fire troops: her daughter's Bluebird group and her son's Bluejay group. She was also very active within the PTA and was president of the Band Boosters at Arlington Heights High School.

After moving to Virginia Beach in 1994, she became a member of Kings Grant Baptist Church. Although she missed Texas, her motto was ``Bloom where you are planted.'' So she began sharing her time as a nursery volunteer and as recently as this past summer, taught vacation Bible school.

Jody had a special love for nature. Her backyard in Virginia Beach continues to be a sanctuary for ducks, squirrels, rabbits, birds and raccoons. She enjoyed caring for all of God's creatures great and small.

Jody will be remembered for her grace, kindness and beautiful smile. She brought love, joy and happiness to all who knew her. She will be deeply missed.

Survivors include her husband, Clarence Laverne ``Van'' Van Donselaar; a son, Vance Alan Van Donselaar of Fort Worth, Texas; a daughter, Tammy Lu Van Donselaar of Washington, D.C.; two brothers, Howard J. Andrews of Grand Prairie, Texas, and John Edd Andrews of Mason, Ohio; an uncle, Herman ``Sonny'' Smith of Austin, Texas; three aunts, Margie Littleton of Duncanville, Texas, Rita Booker of Tatum, Texas, and Mary Frances Chadwell of Kailua, Hawaii.

In celebration of Jody's life, a memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. today in Kings Grant Baptist Church by the Rev. Jerry Holcomb. Another service for Jody's Texas friends will be at 11 a.m. Monday, Oct. 13, in Southcliff Baptist Church, Fort Worth. Burial will follow at Greenwood Cemetery, Fort Worth.

H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts., Laskin Road Chapel, is handling arrangements in Virginia Beach and Greenwood Funeral Home will handle arrangements in Fort Worth. ILLUSTRATION: Photo KEYWORDS: DEATH OBITUARY DEATH OBITUARY

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