ALAN v22n1 - Table of Contents

Volume 22, Number 1
Fall 1994

Table of Contents

1 From The Editors

3 Journey To Meet the Pigman

Author of The Pigman tells a story of his boyhood and the original Pigman .
Paul Zindel

5 On the Beautiful Trail We Go: The Story Behind The Big Wander

Writer describes the pieces that came together to produce The Big Wander.
Will Hobbs

7 An Interview with Will Hobbs: How His Novels Come into Being

Will Hobbes and Herb Thompson explore the creation of Hobbes' novels.
Edgar "Herb" Thompson

11 A Leaf on the Sea

From his own youth, novelist looks at boys: who they are, what they need, and where fiction fits in.
Graham Salisbury

15 Gary Paulsen: A Writer of His Time

Paulsen's novels focus on a search for values in the midst of a harsh natural world.
James A. Schmitz

19 Chris Crutcher — Hero or Villain?
Responses of Parents, Students, Critics, Teachers

By comparing adults' and teenagers' responses to Crutcher's novels, the author explores the strengths and weaknesses of those works.
Betty Greenway

23 Stephen Schwandt: "Master of Conversation"

Sometime mystery writer explores adolescent problems and concerns.
Ronald Barron

27 The Psychological Changes of Adolescence: A Test of Character

Psychology professor dexribes use of Cormier's novels in a high school class.
Sharon A. Stringer

31 Studying Cormier's Protagonists:
Achieving Power Through Young Adult Literature

English professor discisses how Stringer's concepts might be used with Cormier novels in a high school class.
Virginia R. Monseau

43 Cool Books for Tough Guys: Fifty Books Out of the Mainstream of Adolescent Literature That Will Appeal to Males Who Do Not Enjoy Reading

Non-reading boys look for certain characteristics in a book they might read.
Lawrence Baines

47 The Coach in YA Literature: Mentor or Dementor

Good and bad coaches inhabit young adult literature as they do the real world.
Chris Crowe

51 "Motherly Business" and the Moves to Manhood

Mothers often play a role in defining teenage boys' progression toward adulthood.
John Noell Moore

65 ALAN Reviewers' Favorites

Former Book Reviews Editor for The ALAN Review lists reviewers' favorites from the books they reviewed.
Elizabeth Poe

69 YA Literature Trivia


70 The Jewish Experience in Multicultural Curriculum

Author of non-fiction looks at the role of literature in combating prejudice.
Milton Meltzer

ALAN Connection

35 THE BOOK CONNECTION Virginia Monseau and Gary Salvner, editors
56 THE RESEARCH CONNECTION Pamela "Sissi" Carroll, editor
67 THE LIBRARY CONNECTION Betty Carter, editor
70 THE PUBLISHER CONNECTION M. Jerry Weiss, editor
74 THE MEMBERSHIP CONNECTION Kay Parks Bushman, editor

Published by the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents, National Council of Teachers of English, three times a year (fall, winter, spring). Member of NCTE Affiliate Information Exchange Agreement. Editorial offices are at the Office of the Dean, College of Education and Human Development, Radford University, Radford, Virginia 24142. Printed by the Virginia Tech Printing Services. Cover Design by Ann Hardell, Blacksburg, Virginia. Cover Printing by Virginia Tech Printing Services.

Contributions of the following kind are solicited: Articles on YA literature and/or teaching of it; papers presented at meetings; abstracts of studies (dissertations included); summaries of surveys; reports from meetings, bibliographies on selected topics (YA books or professional articles).

Articles should usually be no more than twelve double-spaced typed pages and should be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope to which stamps are clipped. The author's name and affiliation should not appear on the manuscript. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged promptly.

For more complete information on submitting manuscripts, send for Instructions for Authors, ALAN Review.

Subscription rates are $15 per year in the U.S. and $19 per (U.S. funds) in other countries. Membership applications and renewals should be sent to ALAN c/o NCTE, Attn. William Subick, 1111 Kenyon Road, Urbana, Illinois 61801. For information contact NCTE at 217/328-3870.


Patricia P. Kelly
Virginia Tech

Robert C. Small, Jr.
Radford University


The Library Connection
Betty Carter
Texas Woman's University

The Publisher Connection
M. Jerry Weiss
Jersey City State College

The Book Connection
Virginia Monseau
Youngstown State University

Gary Salvner
Youngstown State University

The Membership Connection
Kay Parks Bushman
Ottawa High School, Ottawa, KS

The Research Connection
Pamela Sissi Carroll
Florida State University

The Censorship Connection
Nancy McCracken
Kent State University

The Diversity Connection
Ronn Hopkins
Norfolk State University


Hugh Agee
University of Georgia

James E. Davis
Ohio University

Sally Hellman
Community College of Southern Nevada

Norma J. Livo
University of Colorado at Denver

Al Muller
East Carolina University

Carole Williams
Mehlville School District


Virginia Monseau
Youngstown State University

Immediate Past President:
Betty Carter
Texas Woman's University

President Elect:
Diana Mitchell
Sexton High School, Lansing, MI

Executive Secretary:
Theodore W. Hipple
University of Tennessee


John H. (Jack) Bushman
University of Kansas

Beatrice Cain
Clemson University

Patricia Campbell
Twayne Publishers

Rosemary Ingham
Belmont University

Donald J.Kenney
Scholastic, Inc.

John Mason
Scholastic, Inc.

Gary Salvner
Youngstown State University

Lois Stover
Towson State University

Alan Teasley
Durham, North Carolina, Schools

by Daniel Culpepper