CATALYST V22N1 - Index by Author
Catalyst Index
Volume I - XXI(2)
Alphabetical by Author
1973 Report of the Joint Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education. (1974). California's new segment? 4(2), 45-52.
Adams, F.G. (1983). Financing the "college in the community": A model. 13(3), 20-25.
Akes, R.W. (1982). Charter trips: A new dimension for a rural community. 12(3), 31-32.
Allen, J.P. (1988). Administering quality education in an adult correctional facility. 18(4), 28-29.
Amburgey, L., & Sanborn, C.H. (1987). Using CIDS with displaced workers. 17(2), 25-27.
American Council on Education. (1988). Guidelines for making credit/noncredit decisions. 18(4), 17-19.
Anderson, J.M. (1978). Urban community colleges and neighborhoods: A call for leadership. 8(2), 6-9.
Andrews, B. (1979). Ballot issues forum. 9(2), 31.
Andrews, H.A. (1984). Combining community and student services: A philosophical or economic move? 14(2), 9-11.
Andrews, H.A. (1984). Editor's page. 14(4), 2.
Andrews, H.A. (1984). Sensitizing and delivering the community services philosophy through the instructional core. 14(3), 13-16.
Andrews, H.A. (1987). Part-time faculty evaluation--A mirage. 17(3), 22-25.
Andrews, H.A. (1989). The community services commitment through academic affairs leadership. 19(3), 14-16.
Andrews, H.A., & Crossingham, J. (1975). Community action-- community college. 6(1), 19.
Andrews, H.A., Robbins, W.R., Johnson, D., & Lemke, G.K. (1978). A case for collaboration between community education and community college community service. 8(2), 21-23.
Andrews, H. A., & Sluyter, D. (1979). Preventive mental health: The role of the community college. 9(3), 24-26.
Anthony, N. (1989). Economic development and the community college: Nurturing a college-industry relationship. 19(3), 24-27.
Arman, H.D. (1983). Community colleges and agricultural education. 13(4), 13-15.
Arroyo, G., & Pond, G. (1974). Cooperation in the community: The bilingual paraprofessional program. 4(2), 39-44.
Ashworth, P.C., & Vogler, D.E. (1991). Community college funding goals: Senate and Presidential comparison. 21(1), 22-27.
Ashworth, T.E. (1988). Improving the effectiveness of part- time faculty in community colleges. 18(3), 15-18.
Aslanian, C.B. (1986). Mainstreaming of adults on American campuses. 16(3), 6-10.
Aslanian, C.B., & Brickell, H.M. (1985). Americans in transition: Life changes as reasons for adult learning. [Reviewed by Harold W. Stubblefield]. 15(3), 18-19.
Atwell, C.A. (1986). Book Review: Corporate Classrooms: The Learning Business. 16(1), 27-29.
Atwell, C.A. (1983). Editor's page. 13(4), 2-3.
Atwell, C.A. (1984). Editor's page. 14(3), 2.
Atwell, C.A. (1984). Is there life after community services? 14(3), 3-5.
Atwell, C.A. (1986). Editor's page. 16(2), 2.
Atwell, C.A. (1986). Editor's page. 16(3), 2.
Atwell, C.A., & Sullins, W.R. (1977). Financing community services: A major dilemma. 8(1), 10-12.
Baker, G.A., Roueche, J.E., & Gillett-Karem, R. (1991). Teaching as leading: Profiles of excellence in the open-door college. [Reviewed by Thomas Leitzel]. 21(2), 23-26.
Banks, T.A. (1990). Beyond job training: Rural economic development and the two-year college. 20(3), 3-7.
Barnette, V. (1984). College conference center for business training. 14(1), 30.
Barrett, C.M., & Pieke, M. (1985). Facing the winds of technological change: A community college responds to plant closures. 15(3), 29-30.
Bartok, L.A. (1982). A faculty handbook for non-credit instructors. 12(2), 31.
Bartok, L.A. (1985). Where have all the students gone? An attrition/retention study of continuing education students. 15(2), 14-15.
Bartok, L.A. (1988). Appraisal science: Mandate to education. 18(3), 29.
Bazik, M.S. (1985). A planning system for continuing education. 15(3), 14-17.
Belcher, J.M. (1989). Educational opportunities and life experiences: Red lights or green lights? 19(4), 3-7.
Bender, L.W. (1987). Community services entrepreneurial ethic burgeoning. 17(3), 5-7.
Berger, E.E. (1989). Barriers for rural adult basic education learners. 19(2), 16-18.
Berne, P.E. (1979). Women's interest program: On your mark. 9(2), 29.
Bevelacqua, J. (1983). Management strategy for extending services to business. 13(1), 22-25.
Bockman, V.M. (1981). Re-entry opportunities for homemakers. 11(1), 29.
Bolar, B.A., & Dejardin, C. (1990). A tuition grant program for noncredit courses for adults. 20(2), 31.
Borquist, B. (1986). The community college approach to serving business and industry. 16(4), 19-21.
Boyer, E.L. (1972). The next assignment for two-year colleges. 3(2), 3-6.
Brockett, R.G. (Ed.) (1989). Ethical issues in adult education. [Reviewed by Harold W. Stubblefield]. 19(1), 19- 21.
Brook, P.A. (1989). How to prosper in the continuing education classroom. 19(2), 19-20.
Brookfield, S.D. (1985). Adult learners, adult education, and the community. [Reviewed by Stephen R. Parson]. 15(3), 20-21.
Brookfield, S.D. (1988). Developing critical thinkers: Challenging adults to explore alternate ways of thinking and acting. [Reviewed by Karen A. Noel]. 18(4), 21-23.
Broomall, J.K. (1987). Innovation, entrepreneurship, and strategic planning: A delicate balance in continuing education management. 17(3), 15-17.
Brown, K.S. (1979). Emergency Medical Auxiliary Program. 9(2), 30.
Brown, T.R. (1985). The Community Scholar Program. 15(3), 32.
Bruns, J. (1985). Community colleges and industrial training. 15(2), 32.
Burke, R.J., & Ervin, J.L. (1983). The Lancaster Learn-Over- Lunch Program. 13(3), 31-32.
Burks, C. (1985). The challenge of off-campus education in Northwest Arkansas. 15(2), 29.
Buttery, W.A. (1982). The Professional Development Institute: A business-education partnership. 12(1), 32.
Caldwell, C.A., & Trainer, J.F. (1991). The campus role in enhancing college participation in a rural community. 21(1), 3-12.
Calhoun, A.B., & Lestina, R. (1986). Using financial incentives to motivate staff: A program that works. 16(4), 22-25.
Cape, R.I. (1990). ERIC review: Educational television. 20(3), 27-29.
Cape, R.I. (1990). ERIC review: Facing the problem of adult illiteracy. 20(1), 29-31.
Cape, R.I. (1990). ERIC review: Women returning to school. 20(2), 26-28.
Carnahan, O.D. (1971). Community college: Myth or matter of fact. 1(1), 14-17.
Cary, L.J. (1971). The role of education institutions in community development. 1(1), 25-42.
Catanzaro, J.L. (1989). Continuing education to the rescue. 19(1), 3-5.
Cavan, J.J. (1974). College organizational development and the community services staff. 4(2), 23-30.
Cavan, J.J. (1977). Concerns in community college education. 8(1), 18-21.
Cavan, J.J. (1989). A futuristic, visionary approach that looks at the policy statement of the National Council on Community Services and Continuing Education. 19(3), 9-11.
Cetron, M, & Davies, O. (1989). The great job shake-out. [Reviewed by Thomas Leitzel]. 19(2), 21-24.
Chaffin, R., & Edwards, R. (1989). Developing business/industry partnerships for the future: Virginia's response. 19(2), 30-31.
Charner, I., & Gold, G.C. (1987). Building effective business/higher education partnerships for economic development. 17(1), 20-23.
Chase, R.K. (1973). An experience in program evaluation and modification. 4(1), 27-36.
Chickering, A.W. (1979). Adult development: Implications for teaching and learning. 9(2), 4-10.
Claunch, J., & Miller, B.W. (1980). Why professional development for community service faculty. 10(3), 17-20.
Clements, C.C. (1983). How to design a course that makes. 13(4), 9-12.
Clough, D. (1984). Salute to senior citizens night. 14(1), 32.
Clough, D., & Ramsay, R.W. (1979). Non-profit programs that show a profit: Senior citizen programs. 9(2), 29.
Clowes, D.A. (1990). Editor's page. 20(1), 2.
Clowes, D.A. (1990). Editor's page. 20(2), 2.
Clowes, D.A. (1990). Editor's page. 20(3), 2.
Clowes, D.A. (1990). Editor's page. 20(4), 2.
Clowes, D.A. (1991). Editor's page. 21(1), 2.
Clowes, D.A. (1991). Editor's page. 21(2), 2.
Clowes, D., & Nix, D.H. (1979). The brokerage model: A delivery system for community services. 9(1), 8-10.
Cohen, A.M. (1972). The twilight future of a function. 3(2), 7-16.
Cohen, A.M. (1983). Connecting the liberal arts with the community. 13(3), 5-8.
Cohen, W.J. (1979). Lifelong learning and public policy. 9(3), 4-5.
Colafella, N. (1973). The role of a continuing education division. 4(3), 47-50.
Community College Satellite Network of the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges. (1989). 19(4), 19-23.
Communius. (1973). Community services: Another institutional game? 4(1), 21-26.
Cosand, J.P. (1981). Perspectives: Community education and services in the 1980s. 11(3), 4-8.
Cotoia, A.M. (1983). Editor's page. 13(3), 2-4.
Cotoia, A.M. (1985). Operating a totally self-sustainingprogram. 15(1), 16-21.
Cotoia, A.M. (1988). Marketing: Educators' new buzz word.17(2), 19-22.
Craig, F.M. (1990). Older adults: Community college studentsof the 1990s. 20(4), 9-12.
Cramer, G. (1986). Helping reentry students through a short-term course in study skills. 16(4), 30-31.
Crayton, J.E. (1985). A community skills center is revived. 15(4), 29.
Creamer, D.G. (1979). Meeting counseling needs of evening and part-time students through community service management strategies. 9(3), 14-17.
Criner, L.E. (1991). The impact of education in prisons: Models to reduce recidivism. 21(2), 19-22.
Cross, K.P. (1980). The renaissance in adult learning. 10(2), 4-10.
Cross, K.P. (1984). Cooperation and competition in the learning society. 14(1), 2-7.
Cross, K.P. (1987). One eye on the future. 17(4), 3-7.
Cross, K.P. (1988). New images for adult education. 18(3), 4-5.
Crossland, R.J. (1986). Meeting the challenge of the new American unemployment. 16(3), 11-13.
Cudiamat, C. (1987). ERIC review: Adult literacy programs noncredit and credit courses. 17(3), 29-31.
Cummiskey, J.K. (1971). Editorial. 1(1), i-iv.
Cunningham, S.G. (1986). Preparing community college teachers to serve the handicapped. 16(3), 14-17.
Curtis, M., & Stetson, N. (1990). Community development through a community resource center. 20(2), 29-30.
Dailey, A.L. (1983). Continuing education programs forretarded adults. 13(1), 31.
Dailey, A.L. (1986). The Americanization of professional nanny education. 16(3), 18-21.
Dailey, A.L., Bartok, L., O'Shell, W., & Bartok, F.F. (1985). Accreditation of nanny education programs: Organizations and issues. 15(4), 31-32.
Davis, J. (1983). Retired Volunteer Service Corps: A model program. 13(4), 30.
Dejardin, C. (1984). Business and industry programs in Iowa. 14(3), 29-30.
Dejardin, C. (1988). Adult and continuing education: Now, more than ever. 18(4), 10-12.
Dejardin, C. (1989). Proper use of audio-visual aids: Essential for educators. 19(3), 21-23.
Dejardin, C. (1990). Developing an appreciation for the work of your associates. 20(4), 24-25.
Dejardin, C., & Schinnow, L. (1985). Eduware parties: Recruiting undereducated adults. 15(3), 30-31.
DeLellis, A.J. (1977). Educational supervision in continuing education: Need for an expanded role. 8(1), 15-17.
DeSanctis, V. (1977). A commitment to lifelong learning through community education. 8(1), 1-4.
Desmarais, A., & White, S. (1990). Red to black: A primer for continuing education managers. 20(3), 13-16.
Deters, D. (1981). An employer-based English As a Second Language program for Indochinese refugees. 11(1), 31.
Devault, M. (1989). Establishment of Amado Pena Scholarship Program. 19(3), 28.
DiCroce, D.M. (1991). Staffing for the new century. 21(2), 3-7.
Donnelly, B. (1981). An interview with Dale Parnell, AACJC, president-designate. 11(2), 11-13.
Donnelly, B. (1971). Should there be community college community services administrators? 1(1), 18-24.
Donnelly, B. (1973). Statewide master plans in community services. 4(3), 37-46.
Donnelly, B. (1980). The community development function: A challenge to practitioners and theorists. 10(3), 2-6.
Donnelly, B. (1982). Can the Coalition of Adult Education Organizations become a positive planning force for an interorganizational national agenda on adult education? 12(4), 12-14.
Donnelly, B. (1984). Guidelines for effective management. 14(3), 17-21.
Doubleday, R.E., & Murphy, J.P. (1975). The community college as cultural center. 6(1), 13-15.
Draves, W.A. (1985). How to teach adults. [Reviewed by Jackie J. Johnson]. 15(3), 22-25.
Dzierlenga, D.W. (1981). Adult education in community colleges. 11(4), 28-30.
Dzierlenga, D.W. (1981). Assessing community needs with surveys. 11(2), 26-29.
Dzierlenga, D.W. (1981). The community college role in community development. 11(1), 26-28.
Eisenstein, F. (1979). Brooklyn House of Detention. 9(2), 30.
Eisenstein, F. (1983). Issues in strategic management for noncredit continuing education operations. 13(1), 18-21.
Evans, A.H. (1973). The funding of community services. 3(3), 17-22.
Feuers, S. (1985). Respice, adspice, prospice: Look to the past, look to the present, look to the future. 15(4), 6-9.
Fey, P. (1975). Toward a more effective community services program. 6(1), 3-6.
Fitzgerald, B., & Jahns, C. (1983). Shopping mall location enhances community service program. 13(1), 32.
Fitzgerald, V.R. (1979). Men's Resource Program. 9(2), 31.
Fletcher, S.M., Rue, R.N., & Young, R. (1977). Community education in community colleges: Today and tomorrow. 7(1), 10-15.
Flory, H. (1984). The Raymond Walters College Work and Learning Council. 14(4), 31.
Flory, H. (1986). Linking education and industry at two-year colleges: The Raymond Walters College experience. 16(4), insert.
Floyd, D.L. (1981). Credit options for human development courses: A consumer model. 11(3), 31-32.
Floyd, D.L., & Helens, J. (1987). In celebration of National Adult and Continuing Education Week: A harvest of free courses. 17(1), 32.
Forbes, S.A. (1991). ERIC review: Research on general education developmental programs and its students. 21(2), 27-29.
Foster, B.G. (1986). Higher education and corporate education: From cold war to detente to active collaboration. 16(1), 2-7.
Fox, G.C. (1984). Factors that motivate part-time faculty. 14(1), 17-21.
Friedel, J.N. (1984). "Humanities on the Mall" taking the humanities to the people. 14(2), 26-27.
Gagnon, G.O. (1979). "Professional development": Mid-career assistance to New Jersey Department of Corrections personnel. 9(2), 32.
Galbraith, J., & Gleason, S. (1991). Programming for older adults: Seven successful strategies. 21(2), 30-31.
Galiazzo, M. (1989). Maryland community colleges and international trade education. 19(1), 25.
Gappa, J.M. (1985). Part-time faculty: Higher education at the crossroads. [Reviewed by W. Robert Sullins]. 15(4), 20- 22.
Geier, M.A. (1974). The anatomy of an advisory council. 4(2), 53-60.
Gerardi, R.J. (1989). Develop your own business/education foundation. 19(4), 30.
Gianopulos, J. (1974). Education for what? 4(2), 3-12.
Gianopulos, J. (1974). Leadership in the community. 4(2), 13-18.
Gilder, J. (1981). State policy on lifelong education: Special concerns of community colleges. 11(1), 3-8.
Glass, M.R. (1979). Community education: What do key community administrators think? 9(2), 11-14.
Glass, M.R. (1987). Academically talented: An approach to service. 17(1), 29-30.
Goldberg, M. (1982). The impact of adult education on community mental health. 12(2), 14-16.
Gollattscheck, J.F. (1982). Confronting the complexity of community analysis. 12(1), 7-11.
Gollattscheck, J.F. (1983). All thing to all people? The third mission of the community college. 13(1), 4-10.
Gollattscheck, J.F. (1985). Facing the issues: A cooperative venture. 15(1), 2-7.
Gollattscheck, J.F. (1987). Sharing and shaping our future. 17(1), 6-10.v Gollattscheck, J.F. (1988). Will success destroy community services and continuing education? 18(3), 6-10.
Gollattscheck, J.F., & Richburg, J.R. (1981). The charrette as a group decision-making process for community-based institutions. 11(1), 22-25.
Gonzalez, C. (1989). Project PROMISE. 19(4), 28.
Gordon, A. (1986). Meeting the needs of the community through cooperation, collaboration, and community outreach. 16(2), 10-12.
Gordon, R.A. (1987). A renewed mission for community service educators. 17(1), 11-14.
Gray, J. (1988). Auxiliary enterprise: An important part of the institution. 18(2), 23-25.
Green, A.G., Davis, R., & Allison, S. (1979). Sex equity project: A model for positive awareness. 9(3), 31.
Grinton-Orr, S. (1990). A growing challenge: Adult English As A Second Language learners not literate in their first language. 20(4), 28-29.
Griswold, S., & Heermann, B. (1982). Extending individualized adult degree programs to community colleges. 12(4), 24.
Grote, C.N. (1987). Exporting education: North America's infinitely renewable resource. 17(3), 2-4.
Groth, D.A. (1973). Community systems. 3(3), 23-28.
Groth, D.A. (1983). Strategic response to business and industry training services. 13(2), 28-30.
Grymes, R.J., Jr. (1979). The new priority: Management of part-time instructors. 9(1), 14-18.
Hakanson, J.W. (1981). Community development--Who benefits? 11(4), 13-14.
Hannula, M.H. (1979). Ideas for living...for adventure seekers of all ages Community Home Environment Learning Project. 99(1), 23.
Harbert, D., & Koehler, R. (1983). Education services to military personnel. 13(4), 16-17.
Hardy, M.P. (1987). Economic development efforts at community colleges. 17(4), 27-29.
Hardy, M.P. (1988). ERIC review: Cultural programs and activities. 18(3), 22-24.
Hardy, M. (1988). ERIC review: Instructional guides for parent education programs. 18(1), 27-29.
Hardy, M.P. (1988). ERIC review: Reaching adult learners through educational television. 18(2), 27-29.
Hardy, M.P. (1988). ERIC review: Two-year college general education development (GED) programs. 18(4), 24-27.
Hardy, M. (1989). ERIC review: Research on community services and continuing education. 19(2), 25-27.
Hardy, M.P. (1989). ERIC review: Serving older adults. 19(1), 22-24.
Harlacher, E.L. (1973). The community renewal college. 4(1), 5-10.
Harlacher, E.L. (1988). The learning society: A vital role for community services. 18(2), 6-8.
Harlacher, E.L., & Ireland, J. (1988). Community services and continuing education: An information age necessity. 18(1), 3-5.
Harris, J. (1985). Operating a noncredit self-supporting continuing education program: The UTD experience. 15(1), 12- 15.
Harris, J. (1988). Capitalizing on community resources: Three cosponsorship programs. 18(1), 13-16.
Harvey, L.J. (1983). Community colleges and high technology. 13(3), 11-13.
Haynes, F.T. (1979). Drug Abuse Information Center. 9(1), 22.
Haynes, F.T., & Polk, C.H. (1986). Choosing a rationale for continuing education. 16(4), 8-11.
Heath, P.R., Drea, J.T., & Armistead, P. (1987). The educa- tional common market: A decade of growth through cooperation. 17(4), 8-12.
Hecklinger, F.J., & Curtain, B. (1987). Multiple uses of Virginia VIEW by diverse populations. 17(2), 22-24.
Henderson, L.G. (1981). Making your mark in the marketplace. 11(1), 9-12.
Hoenninger, R. (1979). Mini college: The chance to take a chance. 9(1), 22.
Hoerner, J. (1987). Innovative staff development strategies for adjunct faculty. 17(3), 8-12.
Hoffman, J.R. (1981). Continuing education for the elderly-- One perspective. 11(2), 30.
Hoffman, J.R. (1981). Personnel management practices involving continuing education instructors at Texas institutions of higher education. 11(2), 14-17.
Hoffman, J.R. (1985). What continuing education managers should be managing. 15(2), 2-4.
Horton, B. (1987). Virginia VIEW and the rural community college. 17(2), 28-30.
Howard, B.B., & Stout, V.J. (1991). Corporate training practices and trainer preparation. 21(2), 13-18.
Howe, H. (1979). The view from the middle. 9(1), 4-7.
Howe, R.D., & Martin, J. (1979). Another perspective on continuing education: The "learning" teacher. 9(2), 20-21.
Huber, W.G. (1984). A guide to facility use for non-college users. 14(2), insert.
Huffstutler, J. (1988). The singles' support group. 18(4), 30.
Hull, G.L. (1981). Improving adult learning through instructional development. 11(2), 18-21.
Imel, S. (1986). Adult and continuing education publications of note. 16(4), 26-27.
Impara, J.C., Hoerner, J.L., Clowes, D.A., & Allkins, M.T. (1991). Professional development programs: A comparison of full- and part-time occupational-technical faculty. 21(2), 8-12.
Ireland, J. (1980). The California community services challenge. 10(2), 11-14.
Ireland, J. (1982). The role of community services in a time of fiscal constraint: A California perspective. 12(3), 11- 15.
Ireland, J. (1984). Community services: A positive influence on people and programs. 14(3), 10-12.
Ireland, J. (1985). Editor's page. 15(3), 2.
Ireland, J., & Brown, D.R. (1987). Community education and community college networks. 17(1), 4-5.
Ireland, J., & Simpson, J. (1984). The concept of self- supporting community services programs. 14(4), 17-20.
Ireland, J., Smydra, M.S., & Tucker, N. (1989). A policy statement of the National Council on Community Services and Continuing Education: The continuing mission and future role of community services and continuing education in community, technical, and junior colleges. 19(3), insert.
Israel, C.A., & Custer, H.H. (1986). Making economic development work: A systematic approach to contract training. 16(4), 16-18.
Jackson, R.J. (1981). An analysis of corporate-community college relations. 11(3), 13-15.
Johann, P., & Nix, D. (1980). The brokerage model: An example. 10(3), 31.
Johnson, D.L. (1990). Reinventing the community college. 20(4), 13-16.
Johnson, D.L., & Yelvington, J.Y. (1979). Cooperation boosts community education in Oklahoma. 9(1), 11-13.
Johnson, D.W. (with J. Soule). (1988). Libraries and literacy: A planning manual. [Reviewed by K. J. Yates]. 18(3), 21.
Johnson, E.A. (1984). Guarantee success with Plato. 14(3), 30-31.
Johnson, R.E. (1989). The care and feeding of your advisory committee. 19(1), 16-18.
Jones, E.B. (1989). Forging links between education and business. 19(4), 15-18.
Kahn, F.J. (1982). Access to college programs for deaf youth & adults. 12(2), 30.
Kapraun, E.D. (1980). Toward a theory of community services. 10(2), 15-21.
Karvelis, D.S. (1980). Bridging the community services credibility gap. 10(3), 9-11.
Karvelis, D.S. (1985). Educational programs for the single traveler in California community colleges. 15(1), 30-31.
Katsinas, S.G., & Lacey, V.A. (1990). Common factors that appear to lead to success in nontraditional economic development: Implications for policy and practice. 20(3), 17-26.
Katsinas, S.G., & Lacey, V.A. (1990). Community colleges and economic development. 20(1), 6-14.
Katsinas, S.G., & Lacey, V.A. (1990). Trends and forces motivating community college involvement in nontraditional economic development. 20(2), 8-16.
Kavanaugh, L. (1979). Guerilla accrediting: Accounting for community services and making community services count. 9(2), 15-19.
Kay, C. (1983). Improving the quality of work life in industry and education. 13(2), 25-26.
Keim, M.C. (1988). Community services and continuing education administrators: Who are they and what do they do? 18(1), 6-11.
Keim, W.A. (1973). "Don't look now, Beauregard, but isn't that a camel looking under our tent?" 3(3), 13-16.
Keim, W.A. (1982). Who moved the lighthouse? 12(4), 4-9.
Keim, W.A. (1984). To make a difference. 14(3), 6-9.
Keim, W.A. (1989). The policy statement on the future of community services and continuing education: The historical perspective. 19(3), 4-8.
Keiser, T.M., & Cavan, J.J. (1984). Community services circuit rider: A small, rural cultural program. 14(2), 29- 30.
Kelly, G.O. (1986). A case study in continuing education organization. 16(2), 8-9.
Kelley, D. (1981). Community colleges and older adults: A review of ideas and publications, Part I. 11(2), 22-25.
Kelley, D. (1981). Community colleges and older adults: A review of ideas and publications, Part II. 11(3), 16-20.
Kelley, D. (1983). Strategic management lessons from Valencia, Clackamas, and Coastline community colleges. 13(2), 2-9.
Kerekgyarto, G.A. (1988). A new partnership for today's technology programs. 18(1), 17-20.
Klepper, D., & Potter, J. (1988). Providing educational services to other educational institutions: A model program. 18(2), 30-31.
Knight, B. (1982). The evolution of marketing in education. 12(1), 23-24.
Knowles, M.S. (1983). Adults are not grown-up children as learners. 13(4), 4-8.
Knox, A. (1987). Helping adults learn. [Reviewed by Samuel D. Morgan]. 17(3), 26-28.
Knox, R. J., & Lorenzo, A. L. (1987). "Service wars": The race to be the best in product service. 17(4), 14-18.
Kolans, M.E. (1982). Comeback: A program for returning adults. 12(2), 32.
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