ElAnt v1n4 - Scholia - Editorial note and contents for Volume 2 (1994)

Volume 1, Number 4
September 1993

Natal Studies in Classical Antiquity

ISSN 1018-9017

Scholia features critical and pedagogical articles and reviews on a diverse range of subjects dealing with classical antiquity, including late antique, medieval, Renaissance and early modern studies related to the classical tradition; in addition, there is information about Classics programmes in African universities and schools, news about the University of Natal's Museum of Classical Archaeology, and the B. X. de Wet Essay. (Not all sections necessarily appear in any single volume.)

Manuscripts: Potential contributors should read the 'Notes for Contributors' located at the back of this volume and follow the suggested guidelines for the submission of manuscripts. Articles on classical antiquity and the teaching of Classics in Africa are particularly welcome. Every submission is reviewed by at least two suitable referees, usually one in South Africa and one outside the country. Time before publication decision: 2-3 months.

Subscriptions (1994): Africa R15; outside Africa US$15/UKo9,50. Foreign subscribers should send payment with all bank charges paid; the preferred method of payment is an international postal money order or an international bank draft in South African Rand. Foreign subscribers who send personal cheques in any currency should include an additional US$3,50/UKo2 to cover bank charges. After initial payment, a subscription to the journal will be entered. Back numbers may be ordered from the Business Manager.

Address: Correspondence concerning manuscripts and subscriptions should be directed to:
Scholia , Department of Classics, University of Natal, King George V Avenue, Durban, 4001, Republic of South Africa. Telephone: (031) 260.2312;
fax: (031) 260.2214; telegram: University telex 621231SA; electronic mail:
Dominik@Classics.UND.AC.ZA or Hilton@Classics.UND.AC.ZA .

New Series: Scholia is indexed and abstracted in L'Annee Philologique , indexed in Gnomon and MLA International Bibliography, and listed in Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory ; the tables of contents are accessible by electronic mail through the TOCS-IN project. Select articles appear in advance of publication in Electronic Antiquity .

NS Vol. 2 (1993) is published with the support of the University of Natal.

SCHOLIA Natal Studies in Classical Antiquity

NS Vol. 2
ISSN 1018-9017


Editorial Note -- p.1


Peoples of Azania -- p.3
John L. Hilton

Roman Perceptions of Blacks -- p.18
Lloyd Thompson

Popular and Higher Education in Africa Proconsularis in the Second Century A.D. -- p.32
Fabian Opeku

Socrates, Plato and Fiction -- p.46
H. D. Rankin

Moral 'Clusters' in the Odyssey -- p.57
Charles Fuqua

An Examination of Jason's Cloak (Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 1.730-68) -- p.70
C. U. Merriam

Theozotides on Adopted Sons (Lysias Fr. 6) -- p.82
Niall W. Slater

A Short But Frank Explanation of Juvenal Sat. 6. O. 5f. -- p.87
Saul J. Bastomsky

On Translating Catullus 3 -- p.91
Charles Elerick


The Oral Shaping of Culture -- p.98
E. A. Mackay


T. P. Wiseman, Talking to Virgil: A Miscellany -- p.119
(Anne Gosling)

Michael W. Taylor, The Tyrant Slayers: The Heroic Image in Fifth Century BC Athenian Art and Politics -- p.123
(E. A. Mackay)

John L. Hilton, An Introduction to Latin -- p.125
(Jo-Marie Claassen)

Ann Norris Michelini, Euripides and the Tragic Tradition -- p.132

Reviews -- p.136

Books Received -- p.141

In the Universities -- p.143

In the Museum -- p.149

B. X. de Wet Essay -- p.153

Exchanges with Scholia -- p.160

Notes for Contributors --p.164

Forthcoming in Scholia (1994) -- p.167

Subscription Form -- p.168

COPYRIGHT NOTE: Copyright remains with authors, but due reference should be made to this journal if any part of the above is later published elsewhere.

Electronic Antiquity Vol. 1 Issue 3 - August 1993
edited by Peter Toohey and Ian Worthington
ISSN 1320-3606