ElAnt v5n1 - ANNOUNCEMENTS - Positions available at IHAC
IHAC (the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations), at North East Normal University, Changchun 130024, Jilin Province, China, will have vacancies for up to four Foreign Experts, with relevant doctoral degrees or equivalent qualifications, to start in September 1999, in the following areas:
two posts in Classics (Greek and Roman History, Literature, and Languages);
one post in Egyptology (Hieroglyphic Egyptian language, Egyptian History and Archaeology, and other subjects) - (if a suitable candidate applies, he or she may be appointed to start work at the beginning of March 1999);
one post in Assyriology (Sumerian and Akkadian languages, and other related subjects).
The Institute maintains its own library, and publishes its own journal, the Journal of Ancient Civilizations, now in its thirteenth year.
Unless otherwise agreed, appointments begin on 1st September, and are for one year initially; they may be renewed annually.
Teaching duties are up to 16 hours per week, for B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. students. The language of instruction is English.
The teaching year comprises two semesters: c. 1st September - 10th January, and c. 1st March - 10th July. In the first semester, there is no teaching on National Day (1st October), Christmas Day and the day after (25th-26 th December) and New Year's Day and the day after (1st-2nd January); in the second semester there is no teaching on May Day and the day after (1st-2 nd May).
The salary is Yuan 2400 (approx. $US290) per month, tax free (70% of this amount may be converted into $US by single appointees, and 50% by appointees with families, per month, if desired).
The university provides free accommodation, comprising living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen, equipped with a washing machine, and with adequate free central heating during the winter, in a complex about 15 minutes walk from the campus.
The university provides one return fare for the appointee from his/her normal place of residence to Changchun, and pays some costs for unaccompanied baggage. It also grants various travel awards, totalling about Yuan 2000, for travel in China.
Cost of living: Food for a family of three costs about Yuan 1000 per month; eating out (three meals per day) for a single person, about Yuan 850 per month. Health care, at the university hospital, is free.
Climate: Continental, normally sunny, dry and clear; total precipitation (rain and snow) about 400mm (16 inches) per year; temperature range in winter (November-March) c. minus 5 to minus 20 degrees Celsius, in summer (April-October) c. 14 to 30 degrees Celsius.
Changchun, with a population of approx. 2 million, is the capital of Jilin Province in Northeast China.
For further information, or to apply, send your curriculum vitae to the Head of the Institute,
Professor J. Hao (Hao Ji Tao),
Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations,
Northeast Normal University,
130024 Changchun, Jilin,
P.R. China.
Tel.: (0431) 586-5085-93744; Fax: (0431) 568-4027
e-mail: ihac@ivy.nenu.edu.cnFor informal information, e-mail the present 'Foreign Expert' in Classics, Dr. Christopher Ehrhardt: ehrhardt@ivy.nenu.edu.cn
Please bring this advertisement to the attention of potential applicants who may not read this electronic list.
Electronic Antiquity Vol. 5 Issue 1 - February 1999
Technical Editor, Terry Papillon: Terry.Papillon@vt.edu
ISSN 1320-3606