ICC Proceedings from Scholarly Communication, Virginia Tech University Libraries
The International Colloquium on Communication, founded in 1968, is a biennial meeting of communication scholars, alternating between locations in Europe and the United States. Each Colloquium addresses a common theme selected by the Colloquium organizers. The broad range of interests represented by ICC participants span the reaches of twenty–first century communication studies. The Colloquium typically runs for four or five days, and each session allows sufficient time for unhurried discussions. Participants meet in plenary sessions. This format allows productive and wide–ranging collaborations, providing fresh and novel perspectives from scholars representing diverse specialties. The International Colloquium on Communication facilitates a rich, interesting, and useful exchange among professionals who arrive with different research backgrounds and international experiences.
The ICC was founded by Hellmut K. Geissner and Fred L. Casmir on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprechwissenschaft und Sprecherziehung and the National Communication Association (formerly Speech Communication Association).
Colloquium Proceedings
ICC 2014: Twenty–Fourth International Colloquium on Communication
Communication as Performance and the Performativity of Communication
ICC 2012: Twenty–Third International Colloquium on Communication
Communicator Opportunities and Responsibilities in Volatile Times
ICC 2010: Twenty–Second International Colloquium on Communication
The Evolving Media’s Impact on Rhetoric and Society: Critical and Ethical Issues
ICC 2008: Twenty–First International Colloquium on Communication
Communication and Public Policy
ICC 2006: Twentieth International Colloquium on Communication
Applied Communication in Organizational and International Contexts
Also available for
from the Roehrig Universitätsverlag GmbH
ICC 2002: Eighteenth International Colloquium on Communication
Communication and Political Change
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from the Roehrig Universitätsverlag GmbH