QBARS - v10n2 Cover

P. H. Brydon

As I write this note (April 4th) the floral buds of R. 'Carita Golden Dream' have advanced to the point where they are sticky and I can see the carmine pink of the unopened flowers. According to my records, this fine hybrid was beginning to open on April 20th of last year and in previous years, the flowering period occurred between April 15th and April 25th. From this, I would gather that the season is about two weeks ahead of schedule. R. 'Carita Golden Dream' is one of many first class hybrids which have come from Exbury, and is the result of a cross between R. 'Naomi' and R. campylocarpum . This spring, it has been especially appreciated because it survived the cold spell in November and neither the foliage or flower buds were harmed. I suspect that its hardiness has been derived from 'Naomi' and the early flowering character probably comes from the species campylocarpum. The variety 'Golden Dream' differs from 'Carita' by its taller growth and the color of the flowers. Each truss carries from 12 to 13 flowers which are about 3½ inches wide, open funnel shaped, and creamy yellow with pink shadings on the lobes. The color reproduction on the cover of this Bulletin is quite true and the picture was taken on April 25th of last year about one week before the truss was fully developed. As the flowers mature, the overall effect is one of ivory white with delicate pink shadings. So far as its position in the garden is concerned, R. 'Carita Golden Dream' is a plant for the back of the border and may eventually attain eight feet in height.