QBARS - v10n3 Cover
Cover Article
Rudolph Henny
The color illustration on the cover of the July Bulletin is R. degronianum . This plant shown by the Trial Garden Committee was awarded the Award of Excellence, A. E. and is growing in the rockery section on the north part of the Trial Garden. This particular plant was donated to the Society by Mrs. A. C. U. Berry along with two others, but the plant that received the award is much the superior of any yet seen by the Awards Committee. R. degronianum is a member of the Ponticum series and is quite low growing with narrow striking foliage. The award plant seems to be more compact and spreading than most others in the group. Mrs. Berry has no records of this particular group of plants, since she has grown many thousands of seedlings from the expeditions of most of the famous plant hunters. The color photograph was taken by Jeanette Grossman.