QBARS - v11n4 Book Review
Book Review
Rudolph Henny
TREES AND SHRUBS FOR THE SOUTHERN COASTAL PLAIN, By Brooks E. Wigginton, 151 pp., Illus., University of Georgia Press
To gardeners in the Southern Coastal Plain this volume should be a guide and reference in regards to material to be used in gardens and landscape. A vast amount of plant material is covered rather hastily, and only some few notes are given about it in most instances, but such must have been the author's intention, i.e. to cover as much of the subject as possible if in name only, though cultural notes that are added occasionally are of great interest.
The opening chapter's begin with Vines and Ground Covers and progress through almost all the usable garden material to the last chapter Shrubs and Trees.
Twelve rhododendrons are mentioned, and nine of these are native to the East and South, the others are azalea hybrids. Many more of these plants should be grown, and aside from the absolutely arid areas many new hardy hybrids should be tried, along with species.
Anyone interested in gardening in the above area will find this volume not only interesting but most authoritative.