QBARS - v15n4 Cover

Rudolph Henny

The illustration on the cover of the Bulletin is R. chartophyllum . In early May this plant is showy with its prolific bloom and graceful open habit. The growth of the plant is rapid for a few years but even after fifteen or twenty years it will attain a height of not over three to four feet. Plants now nearly thirty years old are hardly taller, and this seems to be its ultimate in the northwest. The white or sometimes pink bloom is heavily spotted with red, and the characteristic long stamens of the triflorum group are much in evidence. For all practical purposes the plant is hardly distinguishable from R. yunnanense , save that R. chartophyllum loses most of its foliage during the winter months. This particularly good pink form is growing in the garden of Cecil Smith. The transparency was loaned to the Society by Cecil Smith.