QBARS - v17n4 Plans Announced for 1964 Annual Meeting
Plans Announced for 1964 Annual Meeting
E. B. Dunn, Seattle, Wash.
The annual meeting of the American Rhododendron Society will be held on Saturday, May 16, 1964 following luncheon, at The Edgewater Motel in Seattle. The Show, staged by the Seattle Chapter, will open at noon on Friday, the 15th, and will continue through Sunday. This will be at the Civic Center. Programs are being set up for Friday evening and in connection with the meeting on Saturday. A cruise on Puget Sound, to Blake Island and an Indian Salmon-bake, is planned for Saturday evening. Garden tours and trips to Olympic and Rainier National Parks will be provided on Sunday, the 17th. We hope for a large attendance and are most anxious to demonstrate our Northwestern hospitality to those members in the southern and eastern chapters. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Inkster, 16623 Meadowdale Beach Road, Edmonds, Washington are in charge of registrations and members are urged to register early. Hotel and other information will be available soon. Make plans now to come to Seattle next May. R. macrophyllum will be in full bloom on the Olympic peninsula and our Pacific Northwest gardens will be extravagant with color and leaf―Boreas willing.