QBARS - v18n1 A. R. S. Seed Exchange, 1964

A.R.S. Seed Exchange, 1964
Esther Berry

We regret that our seed list is not so complete as we had hoped that it would be, still, this is a beginning. We are indebted to those few who have been generous in their contributions but we must have a great many more contributors if a sound program is to be established. Certainly the resources of our membership are sufficient to support such a program. In part it may be a simple matter of developing a greater awareness of the possibilities of helping our fellow members. Also, the severe weather on the east coast has limited contributions from that area for this year.

However, it must be admitted, that there is some opposition to the seed program within the Society. Some members have felt that it is unwise to distribute seed unless we are able to certify its genetic purity. This, of course, is not possible, and will not be for some time. The best seed that is possible at this time is hand-pollinated from plants that are considered typical. If we direct our efforts toward this end we can do much to improve the quality and promote the cultivation of the species. This is a goal that is reasonable, worthwhile and possible, but it is not immediately attainable.

Open-pollinated seed will probably be less rewarding, but not necessarily so. Many accomplished gardeners are not interested in the genetic purity of their plants; they want the fun of growing their own landscape material. Some want to grow their plants from seed because they value the variability that comes from seed. They believe that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', and they prefer to make their own selections. At least one knowledgeable plantsman holds the conviction that superior forms are largely a matter of plant ecology and those growing plants from seed have the best opportunity of acquiring forms that will be superior in their particular situation.

In my view, it is the prerogative of the individual member to decide for himself whether or not he feels that it is worthwhile to grow Rhododendrons from seed. Many of our members have expressed their wish to do so and they have requested that the society make seed available to them through a seed exchange. This is a service that is common to most plant societies and, if we are to function as a co-operative organization, our responsibility seems clear.

In most cases, only a very limited quantity of seed is available; in some the quantity is so small that it is thought best to offer half packets only. In this way a larger number of persons would have the opportunity of acquiring this seed. To cover the cost of cleaning, packing and mailing this seed there will be a charge of $5.00 per packet, except for half-packets which will be $2.50 each. The symbol (½) is used to denote half-packets. All hand-pollinated seed, indicated by an asterisk, will be in small packets at 50 cents.

Members are reminded that the names used are those furnished by the donor and further, that seed from open pollination may be cross-pollinated and, therefore, may not come true. All seeds contributed are listed without attempting any judgment of their relative merits. Members may order as many kinds as they wish but only one packet of a kind. We ask that an equal number of second choices be made so that it will be possible to send the total number of packets requested. The handling of refunds would be a considerable inconvenience to the committee. The capital letters that follow the plant description indicate the source of the contribution; where a certain source is desired, this should be indicated by using this letter after the plant name. The exchange will close on March 1, 1964, so orders should be received before that date. Those who have contributed seed will have first preference; other orders will be filled in the order in which they are postmarked.

Send orders for seed to Mrs. Robert Berry, Aberdeen, Washington. Checks may be made out to "A.R.S. Seed Exchange."

Additional seed may be received. If so a supplementary list will be mailed to those requesting it and sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Contributors to the Seed Exchange

A-Merle Cisney: Portland Test Garden I-David Leach: Brookville, Pa. R-Mrs. Robert Berry: Aberdeen, Wa.
B-Roy Clark: Olympia, Wa. J-Olympia Chapter: Olympia, Wa. S-Mrs. Ed Maxey: Aberdeen, Wa.
C-Dexter Estate: Sandwich, Ma. K-D. C. Purdy: Lynchburg, Va. T-Mrs. S. W. Vanderwegan: Shelton, Wa.
D-Henry Dumper: Roslyn Estates, N.Y. L-Cecil C. Smith: Aurora, Or. U-Joseph Casadevall: Whippany, N.J.
E-Louis Grothaus: Portland, Or. M-Dr. Robert L. Ticknor: Canby, Or. V-Dr. J. Harold Clarke: Long Beach, Wa.
F-Mrs. J. Haines: Aberdeen, Wa. N-Univ. of Wash. Arboretum: Seattle, Wa. W-Carl Phetteplace, M.D.: Eugene, Or.
B. F. Lancaster: Camas, Wa. O-Vernon Wyatt: Union, Wa. X-John Henny, Brooks, Or.
H-William LaVance: Elma, Wa. P-H. R. Yates: Frostburg, Md. Y-Pat Cummins, Enumclaw, Wa.
Q-W. E. Whitney: Brinnon, Wa.

Seeds for 1964 Seed Exchange

Hardiness Hardiness Hardiness
Rating   Species Color Seed Source Rating   Species Color Seed Source Rating   Species Color Seed Source
H2 albrechtii, rose-N G L H2 fortunei, white, pink-U E H1 roseum, pink white-D K
H4 ambiguum, pale yellow-G ½ *H2 fortunei (James) selfed-W H2 rubiginosum, plant from Rock
H1 arborescens, white-R ½ H3 glaucophyllum, pale rose-N seed, pink mauve-L F
H5 arboreum roseum-Q H3 glomerulatum, mauve-H H3 rupicola, plum purple-H
H2 artosquameum, rose-V H3 hemitrichotum, white, pink-H ½ H3 russatum var. cantabile,
H3 augustinii, lavender-E H3 hippophaeoides, lilac-H blue purple-N F
H3 augustinii, 'Towercourt'-L F hormophorum, light pink-V H3 scabrifolium, pink-R ½
H4 barbatum, crimson scarlet-L ½ H2 impeditum, purplish blue-N F R H1 schlippenbachii, white, pink-
H2 brachyanthum, greenish yellow -V H2 intricatum, mauve-F ½ U DJG*
H3 brachycarpum, pinkish-U H4 irroratum, white, ivory-N *H1 schlippenbachii, Birch form,
H3 caesium, yellow-H R ½ H2 keiskei, lemon yellow-U D ½ dark pink-I
Hl calendulaceum, yellow orange CNP H2 keleticum, purplish red-F ½ H2 smirnowii, purplish rose-N
H4 callimorphum (cyclium), rose F ½ H4 litiense, yellow-N O H2 sutchuenense, rose pink-N
H2 camtschaticum, red purple-F ½ H4 lutescens, pale yellow-H E *H2 sutchuenense, fine clone-L
H2 carolinianum album, white-U N M *H2 luteum, yellow-G A ½ *H2 sutchuenense, geraldii, 1962 seed,
H2 carolinianum, pink-U D H2 macrophyllum, purplish rose-TM deeper pink with blotch-C
*H1 catawbiense var. album, white-I *H2 sutchuenense, geraldii-G
Hl catawbiense, white-K H1 maximum, white to rose *H6 taggianum, white-A
*HI catawbiense var. rubrum-I purple-P K H4 tephropeplum, rose crimson,
H3 charianthum, pink-V *H6 megacalyx, white-A isolated plant. L ½
H3 chartophyllum, pink, white- N V Hl micranthum, white-U H4 timeteum, pink-L V ½
H2 charitostreptum, yellow-R S ½ H2 microleucum, white-H F H4 tricostomum, white to pink-N ½
H2 chengshienianum, yellow-N H2 minus, rose, white-U H3 triflorum, pale yellow-N
H2 chryseum, yellow-H ½ H2 mucronulatum, mauve rose-D H2 vaseyi, pink-D J R N
H4 ciliatum, white, rose-A H1 nudiflorum, rose pink form-N H2 vernicosum, rose pink-N
*H3 concinnum var. pseudoyanthinum, *H6 nuttalli, pale yellow-I *H2 vernicosum sheltonae-A
purplish-W H3 occidentale, white pink-N M H3 villosum, rose purple-L
H4 davidsonianum, pink-N H3 oreotrephes, mauve pink-N L H3 wallichii, rosy purple-N
H4 decorum, Barto plant-E H3 pemakoense, pale mauve H3 wardii, yellow, N O F
H4 decorum hybrid selfed-W pink R ½ H2 weyrichii, brick red-U
*H4 decorum, pink-G H3 praevernum, white rose-C *H4 wightii, yellow-L½
H3 degronianum, pink- A N ½ H3 pseudoyanthinum, purple-L H3 williamsianum, pink,
H3 desquamatum, mauve, rose-N H2 punctatum, pink-U isolated plant-G
H3 discolor, white, pink-D A E H2 racemosum, white to pink-U D *H3 williamsianum, pink-G
H3 discolor (Barto)-W FRV H3 wilsonae, pink-R
H3 eclecteum, white, rose-A ½ H2 racemosum oleifolium, white to H3 yunnanense, white, pink-J N
erubescens-Y pink-F ½ *H4 zeylanicum (kingianum),
H4 exquisitum, mauve-L H2 reticulatum, purple rose-U L rich red-A
H3 fargesii, white, pink-N
H2 ferrugineum, rosy, crimson-F ½
*'Brandygreen' X Catalgla-C *'Crest' X R. decorum hybrid-W *Pink cross, Exbury Azaleas-X
'Puget Sound' ('Van Nes Sensation' x 'Loderi King George')-B *'Hotspur Yellow' selfed-W *'Mrs. Betty Robertson' X 'Jalisco'-X
Fortunei hybrid-D *'Jalisco' X 'Ole Olson'-W *Orange cross, Exbury Azaleas-X
'Azor', 'Dazzler', 'Cavalcade', 'John Coutts', 'Naomi', 'Jock'-J *'Barto Blue' X ('Barto Blue' X 'Bluebird')-W *Yellow cross, Exbury Azaleas-X
'Tumwater Park', Altaclarense'-J *'Blue Cloud' X 'Bluebird'-W *White cross, Exbury Azaleas-X
* R. wardii X a selected R. decorum hybrid-W *'Britannia' x R. yakushimanum A.M-W *Orange-red cross, Exbury Azaleas-X
* R. wardii X 'Fawn'-W *'Vulcan' X R. yakushimanum A.M.-W
* R. wardii X 'Jalisco'-W *'May Day' X R. yakushimanum A.M.-W
*'Fawn' X R. wardii -W * R. yakushimanum (Exbury form) X 'Hawk Crest'-W
*'Fawn' X 'Crest'-W * R. yakushimanum (Exbury form) X R. decorum hybrid-W
* R. fortunei X 'Crest'-W * R. yakushimanum X 'Carita'-X