QBARS - v18n1 By-Laws Amendments Proposed
By-Laws Amendments Proposed
For some time a committee on By-laws revision, as announced in the October Bulletin, has been working under the chairmanship of President Edward B. Dunn. Changes, deletions and additions, as indicated in the following pages, were discussed, and unanimously approved for presentation to the membership. at the meeting of the Governing Body in Portland, Ore., on Dec. 8, 1963.
It was felt that, while there were only a few important amendments needed, the entire By-laws should be gone over and even small changes made if they would make these basic rules of our Society clearer, or more in line with its present needs. Some of the suggested changes, therefore, consist merely of re-numbering Sections, or providing a word that might be better in some way than the one previously used.
In the By-Laws, as printed, words to be deleted are in italics while proposed new wording is in bold type. Where ordinary type is used no changes are suggested.
Reasons, as brought out at the Board meeting, for proposed revisions, other than very minor ones, are given, following the suggested amendments, under the headings of "Reasons for Proposed Revisions of the By-laws" and "The Dues Structure of the American Rhododendron Society."
The present By-laws provide that amendments may be made at the Annual Meeting, or by mail ballot, after publication in either case. As only a small per cent of the total membership can be expected to attend an Annual Meeting the Board felt that a mail ballot would be desirable. Accordingly a copy of the proposed revisions, as published in this Bulletin, is enclosed with the Bulletin, and is to be used as a ballot.
If you are in agreement (or disagreement) with the amendments, as recommended by your elected representatives, please write "Yes" (or "No") at the top of the ballot. This will be interpreted as approving, or rejecting, the amendments in toto. If you approve some, and disapprove others, write "Yes" or "No" in the margin to the left of the amendment you wish to approve or reject. Mail your ballot, postmarked no later than Mar. 1, 1964, to the Secretary of the American Rhododendron Society.
Amendments, to pass, must receive a "Yes" vote by two thirds of those voting.