QBARS - v18n4 The Australian Rhododendron Society
The Australian Rhododendron Society
It gives one a warm feeling to know that kindred spirits on the opposite side of the globe are working with our favorite plant and having the same problems and the same sense of satisfaction that we have. The Australian Rhododendron Society publishes not only a Quarterly Journal but also a Newsletter. The last issue of the Newsletter tells of the election of Mr. Arnold Teese of Monbulk as President for the coming year. We express our congratulations to a sister organization and its President.
Another item in the Newsletter indicates that the group is planning an early show featuring species as well as early flowering azaleas and rhododendrons. This early show will be held in September and the regular show in October.
The Australian Society has a Registration Committee and the Journal for June, 1964, describes five new varieties with the serial numbers indicating that these bring to nineteen the number of registrations up to date. The Society has a National Rhododendron Garden which apparently is set up on a 100 acre site with plans for very extensive development. It is hoped that we can have a story from one of the Australian Society members to tell us more about this development.
As might be expected the New Guinea species are of considerable interest to the Australian Rhododendron buffs. Apparently the National Rhododendron Garden is located in an area where these more tender species may be grown along with most of the species and varieties with which we are familiar here in North America.
There are many things happening "Down Under" and we hope we can get a report from time to time for our readers who are certainly "internationally minded" when it comes to rhododendrons.