QBARS - v19n2 Additional Gardens to be Visited in Connection with The Annual Meeting
Additional Gardens to be Visited in Connection with The Annual Meeting
Dorothy Schlaikjer, Halesite, L. I., N.Y.
Sunday, May 23rd
Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Cattier, Locust Valley, L. I., N.Y.
This is an estate of eleven acres of gently sloping terrain where lovely landscape vistas have been created. Walking through the wide paths of velvet Merion blue grass, we will see over 2000 rhododendrons and azaleas that have been carefully blended in pleasing color arrangements. An extensive collection of Glenn Dale and Gable Azaleas may be closely examined. Dexter hybrid rhododendrons along with the old Ironclads are shaded by woodland. Among the specimen trees to be seen is an enormous White Oak, draped with the spectacular Hydrangea petiolaris. Exceptional is the Chinese Dove Tree, the largest on Long Island - a captivating sight in bloom, with its pale blooms fluttering in the breeze. Groups of dwarf chestnuts are included with other rare trees to be seen. Of special interest in the garden are the many natural springs where colonies of Japanese and English Primroses thrive, along with a variety of wild flowers. Beds of Heather and Scotch Broom, as well as a number of unusual evergreens will be of interest. A new rock garden will feature dwarf rhododendrons.
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Fig. 30. Dexter hybrid HS-1 growing in
the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schlaikjer, Halesite, L. I., N. Y. Photo by Hugo Schlaikjer |
Monday, May 24th </p>
Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps, Westbury, L. I., N.Y. </b>
Mr. Howard Phipps' estate at Westbury was a barren hillside when he acquired it over 55 years ago. All the trees in the present wooded areas were planted out as seedlings from his nursery. Rhododendrons from the nursery have been placed near the house in areas where oak or white pine predominate. The driveway to the house is bordered by R. 'Boule de Neige', about 55 years old, and with Dexter Hybrids - some from cuttings given by Mr. Dexter which were grafted - 25 to 30 years old. There are also a few Exbury hybrids and some other European varieties, which came from Washington and Oregon. Along one walk are many Vossberg seedlings, including 'Roslyn'. Younger seedlings, crosses from Exbury hybrids, are 8 to 10 years old. There are also some small seedlings 6 to 8 years old, blooming for the first time in the pine woods.
It was Mr. Phipps' hybridizing experiments with selected Dexter seedlings that produced the variety 'Westbury'. Further crosses of 'Westbury' with Vossberg's 'Meadowbrook', gave us the varieties 'Brookville' and 'Wheatley'. These were made available commercially through the Westbury Company. Among trees and shrubs on the place are some rare to the area such as many varieties of Magnolia, Holly and Yew; also Cedrus atlantica glauca , Fothergilla major and F. monticola , Juniperus sargenti , Enkianthus and Umbrella Pine.
Monday, May 24th </p>
The Westbury Nursery, Westbury, L. I., N.Y. </b>
This wholesale nursery, a division of Westbury Rose Company, Inc., is one of America's leading and largest producers of hybrid rhododendrons. Under the able direction of Mr. Paul Vossberg, Horticulturist, thousands of quality rhododendron plants are produced each year. The list is long and varied but the stress is on choice named varieties of proven hardiness. Included are named Dexter Hybrids introduced by Mr. Vossberg. The Westbury Nursery ships plant material nationwide, but perhaps its most spectacular innovation was the shipping of a large rush order via American Airlines. This air cargo venture proved not only highly satisfactory, but practical and economical. A visit to the Westbury Nurseries' 15 acre field growing site is highly recommended.
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Fig. 26. View in the Bayard Cutting Arboretum,
Great River, Long Island N.Y. Photo courtesy Bayard Cutting Arboretum |
Fig. 29. Large rhododendrons at the Bayard
Cutting Arboretum, Great River, Long Island, N.Y. Photo courtesy of Bayard Cutting Arboretum |
Monday, May 24th </p>
Bayard Cutting Arboretum, Great River, L. I., N.Y. </b>
Here is an opportunity to visit another former private estate featuring landscape designing with native and rare botanical specimens, as well as natural areas devoted to the preservation of wild flowers, ferns, and bird life. Mrs. Bayard James donated "Westbrook" to the L. I. State Park Commission in memory of her father, William Bayard Cutting. In addition, her mother, the late Mrs. William Bayard Cutting. established a generous endowment fund for the arboretum.
The property consists of 643 acres along the Connetquot River. 100 Acres are accessible to visitors with the remaining acreage in forest preserve and butler lands. The Pinetum Walk is particularly outstanding for its notable collection of conifers which Mr. Cutting brought to this country from all parts of the world. The magnificent large specimens include many varieties of fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, cedar, larch and yew. Many of these fine trees date back to 1887 when Mr. Cutting began developing the property from plans created by the late Frederick Law Olmsted and carried on by Mr. Fred Sparks.
The Pinetum Walk alone is well worth our visit. Although mass plantings of fine old rhododendrons will not be in peak bloom at this time, companion plantings and the wild flower gardens located at a nearly sea level setting of three fresh water ponds are of particular interest. The mature swamp cypress, a species of tree normally found in the southern swamps, exhibits thirty "knees" in a muddy homelike setting-a curiosity here in the North. The residence, now the Administration Building, houses an interesting 18th century sculpture, a 14th century French mantel, an antique English oak mantel, and the collection of mounted birds donated by Miss Elizabeth Trotter of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. The Arboretum grounds are open every day of the year from 9 A.M. to dark.
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Fig. 27. Laurelwood Gardens looking toward Laurel Pond.
Bauman photo |
Tuesday, May 25th </p>
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Knippenberg--Wayne, New Jersey </b>
"Laurelwood Gardens" is a thirty acre natural wooded sanctuary planted with many varieties of rhododendrons and azaleas as well as a wealth of other plant material. The Knippenbergs specialize in hybridizing. Many new crosses will be seen, such as 'Caroline Gem' ('Caroline' X 'Elizabeth'), a dwarf plant with bright rose-pink flowers and fine glossy foliage. Another exceptional plant is 'Hardy Giant' ( R. fortunei X R. fictolacteum ), a large white flower with a raspberry red blotch. In 1953 an entire hillside was planted with six thousand Dexter seedlings. From these, one excellent late blooming form has been selected, a very hardy floriferous plant, named 'Wayne Pink'. Their favorite selection is 'Blush Button', a creamy blush with a 'button' center. The Knippenburgs maintain a test garden, and many of the West Coast plants have been subjected to their New Jersey climate. Most of the Hobbie hybrids are doing well. Guy Nearing's 'Windbeam' has been used abundantly, as well as 'Ramapo', and many of the Gable azaleas. Two rock gardens, six propagating houses and the nurseries will be open for our visit. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Knippenberg have graciously invited us to be their guests at luncheon.