QBARS - v19n3 Winter Injury


An additional note concerning injury from cold this past winter comes from Baker's Nursery, Astoria, Oregon. Mr. Baker states that 'Bow Bells' lost its buds, 'David' lost buds and the leaves were burned, 'Elizabeth' showed some leaf burn and loss of buds, 'Fabia' plants were killed, 'Gill's Crimson' buds lost and leaves burned, 'Jock' showed some leaf burning and some bud loss, 'May Day' plants were lost, 'Moonstone' showed bad leaf burn. 'Oregon Queen' lost its buds and there was some leaf burn, 'Unknown Warrior' lost buds, 'Earl of Athlone' some bud damage, 'Rainbow' lost its buds, suffered bad leaf burn and seemed susceptible to wind damage.

Damage to species was reported as follows: R. callimorphum lost its buds and the leaves were badly burned, R. chryseum had leaves burned, R. discolor had leaves burned, R. keiskei lost its buds, R. leucaspis lost its buds, R. sperabile lost its buds and suffered considerable plant damage.