QBARS - v1n2 N.W. Gardens Editor Speaks At Spring Meeting
N. W. Gardens Editor Speaks at Spring Meeting
The regular spring meeting of the American Rhododendron Society was held on April 10 in Library Hall with Dr. John H. Hanley, new editor of "Northwest Gardens" as principal speaker. Dr. Hanley illustrated his talk with colored movies taken during his recent residence in Great Britain. The meeting was begun with a short business session, which included the discussion of the proposed amendment to the A.R.S. by-laws setting up regional vice-presidents throughout the United States.
Dr. Hanley began his discussion with an interesting report on economic conditions as he observed them in Great Britain and their effect on horticulture. During his stay, Dr. Hanley spent much time at Kew which is one of the centers of botanical activity in the British Isles. Many similarities in British climatic conditions to those found on the Pacific Coast were observed with the one notable exception: the amazing growth of volunteer rhododendron seedlings in British gardens and woodlands.
Other points touched on by Dr. Hanley included the work done by Sir John Ramsden with a remarkable group of Azalea occidentale crosses, the good effects of severe pruning of rhododendrons which had grown leggy during the war, and a new method of propagation by leverage.
Many excellent varieties were noted in England which are not highly rated, according to Dr. Hanley. Some rhododendrons which have no ratings whatsoever actually are excellent garden types. Personalities and perhaps "politics" were given by Hanley as possible reasons for these variations in ratings.