QBARS - v20n1 Membership Contest
Membership Contest
As announced in the July and October Bulletins, the Tacoma Chapter won the 1965 Membership Contest with an increase of 62.9%. Their reward was a group of plants donated by Mr. John Henny, Mr. Arthur Wright and Mr. Robert Comerford. The prize was supposed to be $100.00 worth of plants and we now have a list of the plants, and obviously the value was there. The plants included one each of the following: R. yakushimanum X 'Fabia', 'Honeydew', 'Cream Crest', 'Doubloons', 'Carolyn Grace', 'Show Off', 'Cotton Candy', R. scyphocalyx , 'Crest', 'Cavalier', 'Dr. Ross', 'Captain Kidd', 'Jade' and Exbury azaleas 'Cecile', 'Hotspur Yellow' and two Exbury seedlings.
The Membership Committee has suggested that the contest for 1966 run through the entire year, the prize to go to the Chapter which has the greatest membership increase during the period.
It is also suggested that other rhododendron breeders or nurserymen contribute plants to the membership prize so that possibly the value might run well over $100.00. Breeders and nurserymen are invited to suggest names of varieties they will provide, and a short description of the plants together with the name of the donor will be included in the Bulletin.