QBARS - v20n3 The 1966 Annual Meeting

The 1966 Annual Meeting

The 1966 Annual Meeting of the Society will long be remembered by those who attended as a very wonderful experience. It will also be remembered by a very large number of dedicated people as a time of hard work and tremendous activity, working against deadlines for setting up the show and for clearing out afterward.

Some 340 people registered and most of them were in attendance at the various sessions at the Sherwood Inn on the outskirts of Tacoma. A number of very interesting papers were presented, most of which we hope will be printed in the Bulletin, as copy becomes available.

The Committee Chairmen who functioned so well were as follows: General Program, Bruce Briggs and Fred Robbins, co-chairmen; Registration, Frank Guhr; Show, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Badger; Publicity, John Eichelser; Tours, Warren Berg; Brochure, Mrs. Roy Hacanson; Transportation, Sgt. Ed Winterling; Decorations, Mrs. Ted Fawcett; Treasurer, George Harrison. The general coordinator was Roy Hacanson, President of the Tacoma Chapter.

Thank you gift presented to the Hacansons. A standard of R. williamsianum
Fig. 46. (left) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hacanson have just been presented an oil
painting of a rhododendron, from the Tacoma Chapter, for their efforts in
spearheading the bringing of the Annual Meeting to Tacoma and guiding it to
a most successful conclusion. Photo by Orris Thompson

Fig. 50. (right) A standard of R. williamsianum , one of several at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Corydon Wagner.
Lowell Murray Garden Fred Robin's Garden
Fig. 47.  The garden tour group crossing
the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Fig. 48.  Rhododendrons at the Fred
Robin's home, Puyallup.
Flower Show at Tacoma Mall Large rhododendron at Murray Home
Fig. 51.  One of many garden exhibits in
the show at the Tacoma Mall showing part
of the huge crowds which viewed the
Fig.52.  Mr. Clive Justice of Vancouver,
B.C. eyeing one of the large
rhododendrons bordering the lawn at
the Lowell Murray home.
R. 'Bow Bells'
Fig. 49.  A magnificent plant of 'Bow Bells' in the Corydon
Wagner garden.