QBARS - v20n3 American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
Note: It is proposed to print the names and brief description of new American varieties which meet the requirements for registration. The names must be accompanied by descriptions of the varieties and must meet the requirements of the International Registration Authority (Dr. H. R. Fletcher, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland) before they are eligible for A.R.S. registry. Only clones will be registered, no group names. In the formula giving the parentage, the female parent is written first. We hope, whenever possible to indicate the probable size of the bush at 10 years of age. Unless otherwise specified the person's name, following the cross, indicates the one who made the cross, did the selecting, and introduced, or plans to introduce the variety. Breeders are urged to submit proposed names to the Registrar of the A.R.S., Dr. J. Harold Clarke, Long Beach, Wash., before they are actually used. There are thousands of names already in use and a name to be registered must not have been used before and must meet the other requirements of the A.R.S. Code of Nomenclature.
ANN CAREY - R. keiskei X R. spinuliferum , raised by Halfdan Lem, introduced by Mrs. Stephen E. Anderson, Bellevue, Wash. Plant to 5' by 5' in 10 years, compact in habit. Leaves narrowly elliptic, to 3" long by 1¼" wide, margins inrolled. Flowers open chartreuse changing to coral pink, widely funnel-campanulate, 1" long by 1" across in a compact bead of many axillary trusses, 3" to 4" across. Develops petaloid stamens in most flowers, styles much exserted, pink tinged. Blooms early February or March.
CHIFFON - evergreen azalea, 'Helen Close' X 'Purple Splendor' raised and introduced by W. L. Guttormsen. Canby, Ore. Plant compact, to 18". Leaves to 1½" long by ¾" wide. Flowers strong reddish purple 2.5RP5/10, hose-in-hose, to 2" across, 2 to 3 in a cluster. Blooms about May 22.
GEMINI - evergreen azalea, 'Helen Close' X 'Purple Splendor', raised and introduced by W. L. Guttormsen, Canby, Ore. Plant compact, to 2'. Leaves 1½" long by ¾" wide. Flowers strong purplish pink 2.5RP6/10, semi-double, to 2½" across, 2 in a cluster. Blooms about May 20.
GOLDEN WIT - R. scyphocalyx seedling X ('Moonstone' X 'Adrastia'), cross made by J. A. Witt, Seattle, Wash., seedling raised by L. J. Michaud, Issaquah, Wash. Leaves oblong-elliptic, to 3" long by 1½" wide, medium to dark green, glabrous. Flowers primrose yellow HCC 601/2 with throat and upper lobes spotted and blotched with jasper red HCC 018, to 3" across with 5 to 6 crisped lobes, 7 to 9 in a compact truss. Blooms in early May.
KING OLUF - evergreen azalea, parentage unknown, raised and introduced by Verne L. Wood, Tacoma, Wash. Plant 4' high by 6' across, tall sprawly, graceful. Leaves 1½" long. Flowers pink with peach throat and tube, hose-in-hose, about 1" across. Midseason.
PALEFACE - evergreen azalea, 'Helen Close' X 'Madrigal', raised and introduced by W. L. Guttormsen, Canby, Ore. Plant compact, to 18". Leaves 1½" long by 3 /4" wide. Flowers white, single, to 2½" across, 1 to 2 in a cluster. Blooms about May 30.
PINK CLOUD - evergreen azalea, 'Helen Close', X 'Glamour', raised and introduced by W. L. Guttormsen, Canby, Ore. Plant compact, upright to 3'. Leaves 2" long by 1¼" wide. Flowers deep purplish pink (5RP6/10, hose-inhose with partially petaloid stamens, to 3" across, 2 to 3 in a cluster. Blooms about May 22.
PINK FANCY - evergreen azalea, 'Helen Close' X 'Purple Splendor', raised and introduced by W. L. Guttormsen, Canby, Ore. Plant compact, to 18". Leaves 1¾" long by 1" wide, variegated. Flowers strong purplish pink 7.5RP7/10, hose-in-hose, to 2½" across, 2 to 4 in a cluster. Blooms about May 10.
PINK LACE - evergreen azalea, 'Helen Close' X 'Purple Splendor', raised and introduced by W. L. Guttormsen, Canby, Ore. Plant compact, to 2'. Leaves 1½" long by ¾" wide. Flowers deep purple pink 7.5RP6/12, hose-in-hose, to 3" across, 2 to 4 in a cluster. Blooms about May 15.
VERNE'S RED - evergreen azalea, seedling of 'James Gable', raised by Verne L. Wood, introduced by Vera K. Wood, Tacoma, Wash. Plant 5' tall by 6' across in 16 years, tall and graceful. Flowers vivid red, no blue, hose-in-hose, stamens and pistils red, small.
YELLOW WOLF - R. scyphocalyx seedling X [ R. chrysanthum X ('Rubina' X 'Fabia')]. Cross made by J. A. Witt, raised by Univ. of Wash. Arboretum, Seattle, Wash. Plant low growing, less than 2 ft. in 9 years. Leaves to 3" long by 1½" wide, oblong to oblong elliptic, dark green above, paler beneath. Flowers about 2" across, buds fire red HCC 15/2, changing to orange buff HCC 507/2, with outside of tube and edge of corolla lobes stained peach HCC 512, 5 to 7 in open flat-topped truss. Blooms early mid-May.