QBARS - v21n2 Membership Contest
Membership Contest
As indicated in the last Bulletin, the membership contest for 1967 is in two parts. One prize will be given to the Chapter having the greatest percentage increase during the year. Another prize will be given to the Chapter having the least percentage of dropouts during the year. Just how the prize plants will be divided is not clear at the moment, but there are enough plants so that both prizes will be very substantial.
The nurseries which have agreed to donate plants, and the varieties they have offered, are as follows:
The Melrose Nursery , owned by John Eichelser, Rt. 7, Box 538, Johnson Point Road, Olympia, Washington, offers a plant of each of the following: 'Cutie', 'Gold Bug', 'Loderi King George', 'Carolyn Grace', 'Lori Eichelser', 'Honeysuckle', 'Bright Forecast'.
Mr. A. M. Shammarello , 4590 Monticello Blvd., South Euclid, Ohio, has offered two plants of Azalea 'HinoRed' in the nine to twelve inch size.
Four plants are offered by Rainier Mountain Alpine Gardens , 2007 S. 126th, Seattle, Washington. This nursery is operated by Betty and Jim Caperci. The four plants would be of R. lutescens, R. spiciferum, R. glaucophyllum and 'Patricia.'
The Rhododendron Specialty House , 703, 10th Street S. E., Puyallup, Washington, operated by Roy and Honore Hacanson, offer the following: Two plants of R. auriculatum (six years), one R. degronianum , three ('Darke' X 'Red Letter') flame colored hybrid seedlings from New Zealand, two R. grande (three years), two R. grande X R. macabeanum (three years).
Mr. Warren Baldsiefen , Box 88A, Bellvale, New York offers $50.00 worth of plants from his catalog, winner's choice. He will send a catalog to the winners so they can make the selection.
From Callaway Gardens , Pine Mountain, Georgia, comes an offer from Fred C. Galle, Director of Horticulture. He will provide three seedling grown plants of R. austrinum , the Florida azalea.
Mr. Ted Van Veen of the Van Veen Nursery , 3127 S.E. 43rd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, offers the following blooming sized plants: one each of 'Autumn Gold', 'Evening Glow', 'Maryke', 'P.J.M.', and 'Virginia Richards'.
The Bovees of 1737 S.W. Coronado, Portland, Oregon, offer five plants of R. yakusimanum , five years old, grown from seed sent by Dr. Rokujo, collected from the summit of Mt. Huna-No-Ego, Yakushima Island, Japan. Each will be a different leaf form.
Thomas Wheeldon, M.D., owner of Gladsgay Gardens , 6311 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, Virginia, offers a fifteen to eighteen inch plant of his new variety 'Maxecat'.
Ben Lancaster, owner of Lackamas Gardens , Rt. 1, Box 20, Camas, Washington, will provide a plant of each of the following: 'Vulcan's Flame', 'Crimson Bells', 'Mission Bells', 'Vulcan's Bells', 'Easter Bells', 'Peach Lady', 'Rose Splendour', 'Currant Bells', 'Ivory Bells', 'Glad Tidings', 'Lackamas Firebrand', and 'Buff Lady'.
Others wishing to donate plants are invited to do so. Their names, and the plants they offer will be acknowledged in the July Bulletin.