QBARS - v21n3 New Chapters
New Chapters
We are glad to report the formation of two new American Rhododendron Society Chapters, making 26 in all. They are:
The Albany-Mohawk Chapter, whose officers are Pres.- Ralph H. Smith, Delmar, N.Y.; Vice Pres.- Herbert M. Poller; Sec.- Arthur W. Holweg. Directors are Fred Lape, Dr. Eugene C. Ogden, and B. C. Potter.
The Valley Forge Chapter comes in with 16 Charter members and 10 Associate members, that is members of other Chapters who desire to be affiliated with the new group also. The officers are: Pres.- Charles W. Herbert, Phoenixville, Pa.; Vice Pres.- Oscar F. Krebs, Norristown, Pa., and Sec. Treasurer - Mrs. Ruth Amenda, Perkiomenville, Pa.
We are glad to welcome the new Chapters, and also to say we understand still another is being organized along the Oregon Coast.