QBARS - v23n4 American Rhododendron Society Testimonial to Gordon E. Jones
The American Rhododendron Society New York Chapter
Testimonial to Gordon E. Jones
Fig. 66. Carl Wedell, left,
Sidney Burns, right, and Thelma Jones, lower right, look on as President Betty Hager presents to Gordon E. Jones, Director of Planting Fields Arboretum, the Bronze Medal of the ARS at the N.Y. Chapter's annual dinner meeting on June1, 1969. Photo by Joann Knapp |
Gordon has been an inspiration to us all. His quiet manner coupled with his vast horticultural knowledge, so freely shared with all, both professional and amateur alike, has endeared him to us. We have been fortunate to have Gordon as a member of our chapter for the past ten years and have benefited from his wisdom and judgment in chapter activities. He is a member of our board of directors and unselfishly serves our society in many ways. He is a member of our chapter species committee, chairman of the plant awards committee, and is engaged in an advisory capacity on our newsletter and slide program committees, as well as serving on the national publications advisory committee.
Gordon has worked on the creation of some of our finest Long Island and New York Shows, which includes the delicate responsibility of forcing rhododendrons and Azaleas. He has assisted with chapter programs and speakers, with plant sales, and is an excellent rhododendron judge.
He has publicized the American Rhododendron Society through his lectures, slide programs. and writings in horticultural publications. He has guided hundreds of visitors each year through the plant collections at Planting Fields Arboretum, where the Rhododendrons have become more magnificent each year through his experienced horticultural skill.
He is a director of the Species Foundation, and is, at present, making every attempt possible to develop a species collection so that all might study and enjoy these plants.
"To Gordon E. Jones, Director of Planting Fields Arboretum, horticulturist, our friend and advisor, |
who has so much to give and who gives so much; whose horticultural knowledge and professional |
skill is surpassed only by his willingness to share these attributes, encouraging our horticultural |
ventures individually and collectively; the New York Chapter presents the American |
Rhododendron Society Bronze Medal as an expression of our esteem and grateful appreciation." |