QBARS - v2n1 The Dr. Corbin Cup
The Dr. Corbin Cup
Dr. William Corbin, long an enthusiastic collector of fine species and hybrid rhododendrons has kindly presented to the American Rhododendron Society a cup to be awarded to an exhibitor at the annual Spring Rhododendron Show.
The full details of how this award is to be awarded are still to be arranged. It was decided at the Officers Meeting last month that a point system would be used, and the exhibitor that showed the highest number of points in several of the chosen classes would be presented the award. An exhibitor must win the Cup three times to retain permanent possession thereof. Full details and qualifications will be announced in the April Bulletin of the American Rhododendron Society.
Although Dr. Corbin gave no direction as to the name of this award, and would have rather remained an anonymous donor, it was decided that the Society would in the future refer to this Cup as the Dr. Corbin Cup.