QBARS - v2n1 Minutes of Quarterly Annual Meeting of the ARS, December, 17, 1945
Minutes of the Quarterly Annual Meeting of the ARS, December 17, 1947
George D. Grace, Secretary
The Quarterly Annual Meeting of the American Rhododendron Society was held at Irvington School, Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, December 17, 1947 at 8:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by President John Henny. He regretted to state that our Secretary, Mr. Geo. Grace was confined to his home with a severe cold. Mr. P. H. Brydon, acting as Secretary, pro tem., read the minutes of the previous meeting which were duly approved.
There being no old business to discuss, President Henny took up the new business and appointed five members to serve on a Nominating Committee which will select eight candidates to be placed on the ballot to fill the vacancies on the Board of Directors. According to the Society's By-Laws, Directors are appointed for a period of two years. This year, there are six Directors to be appointed. It was suggested that the names of the eight candidates be placed upon a double post card and mailed to all members of the Society. The members will be asked to select six names from the eight mentioned on the ballot and submit their choice to the Society at Box 8828, Portland, Oregon. The nominating committee is as follows: Dr. Corbin, Chairman, Mr. Van Veen, Mr. Art Wright, Mrs. J. Swift Baker, Mr. Endre Ostbo.
President Henny stated that arrangements are under way for a greatly improved Quarterly Bulletin which in future, will contain articles of national scope and seasonal notes from authoritative sources.
As Chairman of the Show Committee, Mr. Bacher made the following report. He stated that most of the leading nurserymen of the Portland Area attended meeting at Fredericks Flower Shop in Portland during November and it was generally conceded that 1) the show be held indoors 2) there be an admission charge of 50 cents to the general public 3) there be no individual exhibits from the nurserymen but rather a composite arrangement of all the material entered which will be designed by a competent designer so that a balanced and attractive landscape picture be attained. 4) the show so far as the nurseries are concerned will be non competitive 5) the cut flower section will be open to amateurs and professionals and will be competitive 6) the dates for the show will be from May 7 to May 9 and on May 10 the hall will remain open until noon to facilitate the sale of plants and removal of plant material from the exhibits. The following is a list of the various sub-committees and their respective Chairman: Staging; Jerry Barfoot, Finance; E. R. Peterson, Publicity; Joe E. Johnson, Procurement; George Grace, Supply; Bob Walker, Judging; Theodore Van Veen. In concluding his report, Mr. Bacher stated that Mr. Adolph Meyer had graciously offered his services, without charge, as designer of the Show and that he had a rough sketch ready for the committee's approval. President Henny referring to the charge for admission, stated that members would be admitted free of charge. He also announced that a silver cup had been offered to the Society which would be presented to the recipient of the highest number of points during the Show. The cup would become the property of anyone winning it for three years in succession. Mrs. Ruth Brooks, who had made a special trip from Seattle to attend this meeting was given a hearty welcome from the floor.
Local nurserymen very generously contributed several rhododendron plants which were auctioned off and realized a total of $144.50 for the Society's treasury.
The meeting was then turned over to Mr. Bacher who showed an interesting selection of colored slides depicting various flower shows in the United States and Europe. The evening was concluded with the showing of some excellent pictures of rhododendrons taken by Mr. Charles Vollum and described by Mr. Bacher.