QBARS - v31n3 Connecticut Chapter Presents Two Bronze Medals
Connecticut Chapter Presents Two Bronze Medals
Tony Angellini, in his leisure hours, has turned his inventive and manual skills to the growing of an outstanding collection of plants. Through his ingenuity, all exist amicably together, well nurtured, meticulously pinched and pruned, and always beautiful.
A man of insatiable curiosity, Tony searches out information through reading and conversation about every aspect of breeding propagation, and cultivation. He is constantly revising old methods and devising new ones, and he has enriched the Connecticut Chapter to many ways.
Royden Berger was awarded the Bronze Medal for his outstanding contributions to the Connecticut Chapter. In addition to serving as an officer and on many committees, he worked with the site selection committee in deciding on an area for a rhododendron display garden and continues his work on this project.
Rhododendrons are liberally represented in his garden with growing conditions tailored to the needs of each. He welcomes visitors and generously shares plant material and lore.