QBARS - v34n1 Oregon Chapters Win and Share
Oregon Chapters Win and Share
June Brennan, Salem, OR
Display of more than thirty vireya rhododendrons
Photo by Herb Brennan |
A landscaped display of nearly 100 rhododendrons wins Oregon Chapters second place at State Fair. Texture and beauty of plant out of bloom was their guide.
An inside educational display was colorful and eye catching with each member pinpointed on an Oregon state map. Free literature was available inviting people to visit their local chapters' activities. A display of over thirty Vireya rhododendrons, many in full bloom, added to people's enjoyment and amazement of the Genus Rhododendron .
The second place premium $400.00 and the balance in the Fair Fund, upon recommendation of the Oregon Chapters Presidents, was dispersed equally between the Research Foundation and the Rhododendron Species Foundation. President Fred C. Galle presented checks to the representatives at the October Board of Directors meeting in Philadelphia.