QBARS - v35n3 The American Rhododendron Society Medal Awards
The American Rhododendron Society Medal Awards
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All photos by Michael Thomas |
Citation to Ed Parker
Countless times during the past thirty years you have served the society well. Your typically quiet activities on the local and regional level have always been generous in spirit, guidance, and council. No offered responsibility has been refused.
A decade ago you were appointed registrar. Due to your persistent, imaginative and patient approach to this thankless and frustrating task, the registration of American Rhododendron Hybrids is now recognized internationally for high standards, professional approach and technical completeness.
For your countless hours of service in design of new standards, voluminous correspondence, maintaining complete files, constant quest for accuracy, preparation of quarterly publications, and competent cooperation with international authorities, the American Rhododendron Society with pleasure presents the Gold Medal, its highest honor to Ed Parker.
By unanimous action of the Board of Directors of the American Rhododendron Society, May 1981.
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Citation to Lawrence J. Pierce
Because of your genuine love for rhododendrons and people you have contributed greatly to the American Rhododendron Society.
In your travels to the British Isles, New Zealand and Australia as well as throughout the United States, you have made friends with rhododendron growers and encouraged them to visit our gardens, shows and conventions. This interchange has greatly benefited the advancement and distribution of rhododendron knowledge and created friendships among us all.
You have always encouraged and inspired new members to become active in the Society's many projects. Your gracious hospitality and generosity in sharing your garden and your plants has set an example for all of us to follow.
You have given countless hours to the Society in serving as President of the Seattle Chapter of the A.R.S. and the Rhododendron Species Foundation. Your untiring support is still strong and dependable throughout the whole Society.
In grateful appreciation for your many years of devotion the American Rhododendron Society is proud to award its highest honor the Gold Medal to Laurence J. Pierce.
By unanimous action of the Board of Directors of the American Rhododendron Society May 1981
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Citation to Everett Farwell
Because of your great interest in the cultivation and distribution of the Genus Rhododendron in California and the Northwest, you joined the American Rhododendron Society in 1948 and traveled to Portland to attend the meetings. In 1951 you were elected to the National Board of Directors, and with their encouragement, you established the California Chapter in 1952, serving as its Founding President.
Over this span of 33 years, you have joined several local chapters and contributed unselfishly to each of them. You have shown devotion in many ways, but most importantly, in giving freely of your expert advice to untold numbers of enthusiasts regarding the planting and care of Rhododendrons in the varied soil and climatic conditions of the Pacific Southwest.
For this service to the residents of our Western States and to all growers of the Genus Rhododendron , the American Rhododendron Society is proud to present the Silver Medal to Everett Farwell.
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Citation To Velma and Charles Russell Haag
You have been active as a team at all levels of the Society, serving on Committees, judging, presenting programs, setting up educational displays, serving as officers, and maintaining consistent attendance as members or Charier members of three Chapters for nearly thirty years.
You have jointly acted in establishing, funding, and planting a seven acre display garden where over 5,000 plants are maintained and displayed for public enjoyment.
As Hybridizers, you have made innumerable crosses, developing superior clones. After extensive evaluation, these have been registered and made available to the membership.
Your extensive knowledge of the Genus, acquired through actual experience, travel, and wide correspondence, has been shared freely with others. The American Rhododendron Society is proud to present the Silver Medal to Velma and Charles Russell Haag.