JARS v36n1 - American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
AMITY: ('Grosclaude' x 'Britannia') x R. yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada'. Cross (1970), raised, and introduced (1978) by James A. Elliott, Astoria, OR. First distributed as (Brandt Red x Yak.)#5. Flowers widely funnel-campanulate, 2½" across x 1½" long, with 5 wavy lobes, Rose Opal o22 (H.C.C.) fading to o22/1, with Jasper Red o18 spotting on dorsal lobe. Calyx prominent, 1¼" long (except lower lobes ⅜"), Rose Opal o22/2. Truss 5" across x 4½" high, ball-shaped, with ± 15 flowers. Leaves held 3 years, 4" x 1⅝", narrowly elliptic to elliptic or oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, acute with mucro, cuneate to rounded, mature leaves glabrous, Spinach Green o960, midrib chartreuse, with heavy indumentum, Grey Brown Group 199D to Greyed Orange Group 165C (R.H.S. Colour Chart). New foliage silvery tomentose. Plant rounded, branching well, semi-dwarf 3' x 3' in 10 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least 10°F.
ARCTIC SNOW: R. maximum (white selection) x R. brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii . Cross (1973), raised, and introduced (1980) by Rudy Behring, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Buds light pink. Flowers of good substance, widely funnel-shaped, 5 cm. across x 4 cm. long, with 5 wavy lobes, fragrant, white, with considerable Yellow Group 13A (Lemon Yellow) spotting in dorsal lobe sector. Stigma bright red. Calyx 4 mm,, Yellow Green Group 154D. Truss 15 cm. x 15 cm., dome-shaped, with 19 flowers. Leaves held 3 years, 17 cm. x 5-6 cm., narrowly elliptic, acute with short apiculus, cuneate, convex, glabrous, glossy, Yellow Green Group 146B, with medium amount, plastered, light tan indumentum. Plant upright, branching well, 110 cm. tall x 120 cm. wide in 8 years. Blooms in mid-June. Hardy to at least -35°F.
ARCTIC SUN: Knap Hill hybrid azalea. 'Cecile' selfed. Pollination (1956) and raised by Arthur A. Childers, Vida, OR. To be introduced by Bovees Nursery, Portland, OR. Buds Yellow Orange Group 16B. Flowers of good substance, widely funnel-shaped, 4" across x 2¼" long, with 6 frilled lobes, very fragrant, White Group 155D, dorsal lobe almost completely Yellow Orange Group 17 between A&B, ± ¼" Yellow Orange Group 16D lobe edging, reverse keeps tinge of pink. Calyx ⅛", Green Group 143C. Truss 5½" across x 4½" high, ball-shaped, with 11-13 flowers. Very floriferous. Leaves 4¼" x 1⅜", narrowly elliptic, acute, cuneate, bullate, Green Group 135 between C&D. Leaves bronze yellow in autumn. Plant upright, branching moderately with stiff branches, 8' tall x 4' wide in 22 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least 0°F.
BASS RIVER: A Dexter hybrid. Presumably a hybrid of Fortunei sub-series. Cross (before 1943) and raised by Charles O. Dexter, Shawme Farm (now Heritage Plantation), Sandwich, MA, and later (1946-51) by Col. Roy Brown. Named by Dr. John C. Wister and Heman Howard. Introduced by Arthur H. Scott Horticultural Foundation, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Registered by John J. Tyler Arboretum, Lima, PA. Described by Gertrude S. Wister. Detailed historical information may be found in Hybrids and Hybridizers, Rhododendrons and Azaleas for Eastern North America , Edited by Livingston and West, 1978. Synonym: Brown #14. Flowers of good substance, openly funnel-shaped, 4" across x 2" long, with 5-7 very wavy to frilled lobes, moderate purplish pink 2.5RP 7/8 (Nickerson), with strong greenish yellow 10Y 7/9 spotting (¼", oblong flecks), fairly conspicuous in dorsal and somewhat on adjacent lobes sector. Stamens 1½-2" long, prominent. Calyx ⅛", light yellowish green. Truss 7" across x 6" high, ball-shaped, with 14 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 2 years, 5-5½" x 2¼-2½", elliptic, acute, cuneate to rounded, flat to slightly wavy, glabrous, moderate olive green 5GY 4/3. Plant upright, rounded, branching well, 9' x 9' in 20 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -5 ° F.
BRYCE CANYON: 'King of Shrubs' x 'Idealist'. Cross (1961) and raised by Arthur A. Childers, Vida, OR. To be introduced by Bovees Nursery, Portland, OR. Buds Red Group 47 between B & C. Flowers of good substance, openly funnel-shaped, 3¼" across x 1⅝" long, with 6-7 wavy, recurved lobes, Orange Group 29B (Carrot Red) fading to Yellow Group 11B (Naples Yellow) with age, ¼" red blotch deep in dorsal throat, reverse tinged 29B, fading toward lobe edges. Calyx minute, Greyed Red Group 180A. Truss 7" across x 5" high, dome-shaped, with 10-14 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 2 years, 4¼" x 1⅝", oblanceolate, apiculate, cuneate, glabrous, Yellow Green Group 146A. New foliage bronze. Plant upright, branching well, 5' tall x 3½' wide in 19 years. Blooms in early May. Hardy to at least 0°F.
CHATTAHOOCHEE: An unusual flower mutant of R. canescens . Collected (1965) from site of Southeast Industrial Park, west of Atlanta, south of I-20W, near Chattahoochee River, GA, and raised by Norma K. Seiferle (Mrs. E.J.), Atlanta, GA. Described by Fred C. Galle. Flowers 1¼" across x ⅝" long, with 5-7 narrow (± ⅛" wide at apex) petals Red Group 49C (Venetian Pink). (Corolla is split to base) ¾ - ⅞" long, with 5 stamens (⅝" x ⅞") shorter than in normal flower, filaments 49A (Dawn Pink) style Red Group 51A (Rhodonite Red), stigma greenish, very fragrant. Truss 3½" across x 1½" high conical, with 5-7 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves 2-3" x ½ - ¾", narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, acuminate, attenuate, flat, dull, bright green, under surface with hairs. Plant upright, rounded, branching well, 8' x 8' in the 15 years after collection. Blooms in mid-April. Hardy to at least 5°F.
DEXTER'S HARLEQUIN: A Dexter hybrid. 'Pygmalion' x R. haematodes x Wellfleet (Dexter #8) (exact combination unknown). Cross (before 1943) by Charles O. Dexter, Shawme Farm (now Heritage Plantation), Sandwich, MA. Raised (after 1945) and introduced (c. 1950) by the Arthur H. Scott Horticultural Foundation, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Named Harlequin by Paul Vossberg. Described by Gertrude S. Wister, Registered by John J. Tyler Arboretum, Lima, PA. Detailed historical information may be found in Hybrids and Hybridizers, Rhododendrons and Azaleas for Eastern North America . Edited by Livingston and West, 1978. Synonyms: Sw 12507-5, Harlequin, Arlequin. Pictured Quarterly Bulletin, A.R.S. 29:2 (April 1975), improperly captioned Halsite. Flowers of good substance, widely funnel-shaped, 3¼" across x 1½" long, with 5-7 very wavy to slightly frilled lobes, deep purplish pink 5RP 6/10 at lobe edges, paling to pale purplish pink 7.5RP 9/2 (Nickerson) (near white) in lobe centers and throat (a bicolor), 2 small, minor rays deep in dorsal throat, strong purplish red 7.5RP 4/11 edged with brilliant yellow green 2.5GY 9/8, inconspicuous spotting, mostly on dorsal lobe, 2GY 9/8, reverse 5RP 6/10. Calyx ¼" with pointed lobes, light yellowish green, edge tinged red. Truss 6" across x 5" high, ball-shaped, with 10-15 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 2 years, 4-6" x 1⅝-2¾", elliptic to somewhat narrowly elliptic, apiculate, cuneate to rounded, flat with somewhat undulate margins, glabrous, somewhat glossy, moderate olive green 5GY 4/3. Plant upright, rounded, branching well, 10' tall x 9' wide in 21 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -5°F.
DINTY MOORES: R. yakushimanum x 'Purple Splendour'. Cross by Dr. Robert C. Rhodes, raised by Milton Wildfong and Rudy Behring. Introduced (1980) by Behring, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Buds Purple Violet Group 80D. Flowers of good substance, widely funnel-campanulate, 5 cm. across x 4.5 cm. long, with 5 wavy lobes, white, with considerable Red Purple Group 59A (Ruby Red) spotting in lower part of dorsal lobe sector. Stigma red. Calyx 3 mm., light green. Truss 18 cm. across x 12 cm. high, dome-shaped, with 15-17 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 3 years, 8-12 cm. x 3-4 cm., narrowly elliptic to elliptic, acute, cuneate, convex, glabrous, dull, Green Group 137A, with light, patchy, reddish-brown to golden indumentum. Plant upright, branching well, 50 cm. x 50 cm. in 7 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -15°F.
DITTO: ('Fabia' x R. yakushimanum ) x 'CIS'. Cross (1964), raised, and introduced (1981) by Arthur A. Childers, Vida, OR. Buds Red Group 42A. Flowers of very heavy substance, openly funnel-shaped, 3½" across x 2¼" long, with 5 wavy lobes, Yellow Orange Group 19D (Egyptian Buff), with Red Group 39B through D (Jasper Red to Azalea Pink) overlay and marbling (slightly more on reverse), throat Yellow Group 11C (Naples Yellow), no markings. Calyx prominent, uneven, 1⅞" to 2⅛", colored as corolla but with more overlay on exterior. Truss 5½" across x 3½" high, dome-shaped, lax, with 5-7 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves held 1 year, 4⅛" x 1½", narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic, acute, cuneate, glossy, Green Group 137A-B, slightly convex and undulate, under surface with vestigial indumentum. Plant rounded, semi-dwarf, branching moderately, 2' tall x 1½' wide in 16 years. Blooms in early May. Hardy to at least 0°F.
HALESITE: A Dexter hybrid. Presumably a hybrid of Fortunei sub-series. Cross (before 1943) by Charles O. Dexter, Shawme Farm (now Heritage Plantation), Sandwich, MA. Raised by John Parker, Huntington, L.I., NY. Named by Paul Vossberg. Introduced (c. 1960) by Westbury Rose Co., Westbury, NY. Registered by Arthur Scott Horticultural Foundation, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Described by Gertrude S. Wister. Detailed historical information may be found in Hybrids and Hybridizers, Rhododendrons and Azaleas for Eastern North America . Edited by Livingston and West, 1978. Synonym: Parker #4. Pictured Quarterly Bulletin, A.R.S. , 29:2 (April 1975), improperly captioned Harlequin. Flowers of good substance, widely funnel-campanulate, 3" across x 2" long, with 5 slightly wavy lobes, strong purplish red 7.5RP 5/12 (Nickerson), with 2¾" x ⅛", deep purplish red 10RP 3/10, rays in throat at each side of dorsal lobe sector, and small area in heart of flower strong purplish red 10RP 4/12. Calyx ⅜", bright yellow green, with pointed lobes, near white with bit of rose. Truss 5" across x 4" high, ball-shaped, with 8 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves held 2 years, 4¼-5" x 1½-2¾", elliptic, others oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, apiculate, cuneate or oblique, flat to having slightly undulate margins, glabrous, dull, moderate yellow green 5GY 5/6, under surface with widely scattered tan to colorless, woolly hairs (visible with lens). Plant broad, rounded, branching well, 7' tall x 8' wide in 18 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to -5°F.
KELLEY: A Dexter hybrid. 'Pygmalion' x R. haematodes x Wellfleet (Dexter #8) (exact combination unknown). Cross (before 1943) by Charles O. Dexter, Shawme Farm (now Heritage Plantation), Sandwich, MA. Raised (after 1945), introduced (c. 1955), and registered by the Arthur H. Scott Horticultural Foundation, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Named by Charles Herbert. Described by Gertrude S. Wister. Detailed historical information may be found in Hybrids and Hybridizers, Rhododendrons and Azaleas for Eastern North America , Edited by Livingston and West, 1978. Synonym: Sw 12507-11. Flowers 3" across x 2" long, openly funnel-shaped, with 5-7 slightly wavy lobes, strong purplish red 7.5RP 5/12 (Nickerson), whole flower spotted, those on upper lobes deep purplish red 5RP 3/9, on lower lobes moderate purplish red 5RP 4/10. Calyx ⅛", medium yellowish green. Truss 6" across x 4½" tall, ball-shaped, with 10 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves held 2 years, 4¾" x 2", elliptic to slightly narrowly obovate, apiculate, cuneate, flat, glabrous, moderate olive green 7.5GY 4/4. Plant rounded, branching well, 8' x 8' in 21 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least 0°F.
LADIES' CHOICE: Moonstone' x 'Hawk'. Cross (1968), raised, and introduced (1977) by James A. Elliott, Astoria, OR. Buds Straw Yellow 604/2 (H.C.C.) with rosy tinge. Flowers openly funnel-shaped, 3" across x 2" long, with 6 wavy lobes, Primrose Yellow 601/2 with some red spotting in dorsal throat. Calyx ⅛", light green with red edging. Truss 5" across x 3" high, lax, with 9-10 flowers. Leaves held 2 years, 3" x 1¾", almost flat, elliptic to broadly elliptic, apiculate (long knob), somewhat cordate, glabrous, glossy, Spinach Green o960/1, to o960, midrib chartreuse, petiole noticeably maroon red above. Plant rounded, branching well, semi-dwarf, 3' x 3' in 12 years. Blooms in early May. Hardy to at least 10°F.
MADISON HILL: A Dexter hybrid. Hybrid of R. fortunei . Cross (before 1943) by Charles O. Dexter Shawme Farm (now Heritage Plantation), Sandwich, MA. Raised (after 1945), introduced, and registered by Arthur H. Scott Horticultural Foundation, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Named by Dr. John C. Wister. Described by Gertrude S. Wister. Detailed historical information may be found in Hybrids and Hybridizers, Rhododendrons and Azaleas for Eastern North America , Edited by Livingston and West, 1978. Synonym: Sw 12500-2. Flowers of good substance, widely funnel-shaped, 4" across x 2" long, with 5-6 wavy to frilled lobes, fragrant, strong purplish pink, 7.5RP 7/10 (Nickerson) shading gradually to pale purplish pink 7.5RP 9/2 in throat, reverse deep purplish pink 7.5RP 6/12, no markings. Calyx ⅛", light yellowish green. Truss 6" x 6", ball-shaped, with 15 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves held 2 years, 5-6" x 2⅛-2¾", elliptic, apiculate, rounded, flat to slightly convex, glabrous, moderate yellow green 7.5GY 5/7. Plant broad, rounded, branching well, 6' tall x 8' wide in 20 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -5°F.
MANDARIN MAID: Open pollinated (before 1970) Knap Hill azalea. Seed collected, raised, and introduced by Donald W. Hyatt, McLean, VA. Buds Red Group 44D. Flowers of good substance, tubular funnel-shaped, 3½" across x 1½" long with 5-7 wavy lobes, fragrant, opens Orange Group 29A (Carrot Red) but quickly fades to 29C with veining and suffusion of Red Group 37B, dorsal lobe sector with Yellow Orange Group 21B blotch on Orange Group 24C background. Calyx ¼", Green Group 138A. Truss 5½" across x 4" high, ball-shaped, with 12 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves 5" x 2", elliptic to narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate, obtuse, cuneate, flat, grossly glabrous, ciliate, Green Group 137A. Plant upright, rounded, branching moderately, 5½' tall x 3' wide in 10+ years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -5°F.
MAY MOONLIGHT: An Everitt Dexter F2 (open pollinated). Seed collected at the Everitt Estate, Huntington, NY, (1945) by George Gillies, who grew young seedlings. Raised (after 1951) by the Arthur H. Scott Horticultural Foundation, Swarthmore, PA, and Dr. John C. Wister, who named the plant. Introduced (c. 1965) and registered by the Scott Foundation. Described by Gertrude S. Wister. Detailed historical information may be found in Hybrids and Hybridizers, Rhododendrons and Azaleas for Eastern North America , Edited by Livingston and West, 1978. Synonym: Sw 60R1. Buds moderate pink 2.5R 8/5 (Nickerson). Flowers openly funnel-shaped 3¾" across x 2½" long, with 7 wavy lobes, very fragrant, pale green in throat shading to lighter than light yellowish pink 2.5YR 9/3 (cream), no markings, reverse flushed pale pink 2.5R 9/3. Calyx ¼", light yellow green. Truss 7" across x 5" high, dome-shaped, with 8-9 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves held 2 years, 4½-7" x 1¾-3", narrowly elliptic to elliptic, acute, rounded, glabrous, somewhat glossy, moderate yellow green 2.5GY 5/5. Plant broad, rounded, branching moderately, 6' tall x 9' wide in 35 years. Blooms during first 2 weeks of May. Hardy to at least -5°F.
MOLLY S.: R. yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' x 'Mrs. Furnival'. Cross (c. 1966), raised, and introduced by Cecil C. Smith, St. Paul, OR. Buds pink. Flowers openly funnel-shaped, 2½" wide x 1" long, with 5 evenly rounded lobes, White Group 155B, with prominent blotch of Orange Group 28B (Marigold Orange) spotting in brush strokes on dorsal lobe. Calyx ⅛", light pink. Truss 5" x 5", conical, with up to 12 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves held 3-4 years, 3" x 1", oblanceolate, acute, cuneate, of heavy texture, new foliage fleetingly farinose, glabrous at maturity, Green Group 139A, under surface with medium amount of Grey Brown Group 199D indumentum. Plant rounded, semi-dwarf, branching well, 4½' x 4½' in 12-14 years. Blooms in early May. Hardy to at least 0°F.
NANCY BEHRING: ( R. smirnowii x R. fortunei ) x R. yakushimanum 'Mist Maiden'. Cross (1972), raised, and introduced by Rudy Behring, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Flowers of good substance, openly funnel-shaped, 6 cm. across x 4 cm. long, with 5 frilled lobes, fragrant. Red Group 56D, lobe tips 56A (Neyron Rose), with 56A lines down reverse centers of lobes to base of corolla 56A, Yellow Green Group 149B (Pea Green) spotting in dorsal throat. Calyx 3 mm. 149C. Truss 20 cm. across x 16 cm. high, conical, with 14 flowers. Leaves held 3 years, 10-12 cm. x 4.5 cm., elliptic, acute, cuneate, convex, glabrous, glossy, Yellow Green Group 146A, with very light, patchy, yellowish indumentum. Plant upright, branching well, 100 cm. tall x 70 cm. wide in 9 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -20°F.
OAKTON: 'America' x R. yakushimanum . Cross (1967) by F.W. Schumacher. Raised and introduced (1980) by George W. Ring III, Fairfax, VA. Buds Red Purple Group 66B. Flowers openly funnel-shaped, 2½" across x 1¾" long, with 5 wavy lobes, Red Purple Group 62B (Phlox Pink) ranging from 62A to 62D, center of lobe is 62D, lighter than edge, medium pink pistil stands out. Calyx very small, pale green. Truss 5" across x 4" high, dome-shaped, with 13 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 2+ years, 4¼-4¾" x 1¾-2½", elliptic, obtuse, cuneate, slightly convex, somewhat coriaceous, glabrous, dull, very dark green, under surface with light, easily rubbed off, tan indumentum. New growth white tomentose. Plant upright, broad, branching moderately with stiff branches, 5' tall x 4' wide in 12 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -10°F.
PRINCE OF MCKENZIE: 'Elizabeth' x 'Earl of Athlone'. Cross (1960), raised, and introduced (1975) by Carl H. Phetteplace, M.D., Leaburg, OR. Registered by Carl and Edith Phetteplace. Flowers of good substance, campanulate, 5 cm. across x 6 cm. long, with 5 evenly rounded lobes, Red Group 46B. Calyx 2 mm., green. Truss 6" across, lax, with 4-6 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 2 years, 6-7 cm. x 3-3.5 cm., elliptic, apiculate, rounded, revolute, quite leathery, glabrous, Green Group 132A, under surface with sparse, patchy, light brown hairs. Plant rounded, semi-dwarf, branching well with decumbent branches, 2½' x 2½' in 10 years. Blooms in early April. Hardy to at least -6°F. Cutting-grown plants bloom when very young.
QUEEN OF MCKENZIE: 'Idealist' x 'Crest'. Cross (1972) and raised by Carl H. Phetteplace, M.D., Leaburg, OR. Registered by Carl and Edith Phetteplace. To be introduced by T.E. Bowhan Nursery, Eugene, OR. Flowers of good substance, flat saucer-shaped, 12-14 cm. across x 6-7 cm. long, with 6 wavy lobes, Canary Yellow 2/3 (H.C.C.), with Sulphur Yellow 1/2 throat and vein down center of lobes, with moderate size, Garnet Brown oo918/3 blotch deep in dorsal throat, reverse Marigold Orange 11/3. Calyx 1 cm., green. Truss 17 cm. across x 14 cm. high, flat, with 9-11 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 2 years, 13 cm. x 7 cm., elliptic to broadly elliptic, acute, somewhat cordate and revolute, glabrous, Parsley Green oo962, midrib Fern Green o862/2. New petioles and stems Garnet Brown oo918/3 with white glandular hairs (also on new leaf blade edges), leaf midribs Currant Red 821/3. Plant upright, rounded, branching moderately, 24" tall x 20" wide in 7 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -6°F.
RELAXATION: 'May Day' x R. yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada'. Cross (1966), raised, and introduced by Cecil C. Smith, St. Paul, OR. Flowers campanulate, 2" x 2", with 5-6 evenly rounded lobes, Red Group 53B (Cardinal Red) with dark red basal nectaries. Calyx minute, gray. Truss 7-8" across x 3" high, lax, with 12-15 flowers. Leaves held 2-3 years, 3½ -4" x 1½", narrowly elliptic to elliptic to between oblanceolate and narrowly obovate, acute with apiculus, cuneate, slightly convex and arching, of heavy texture, new growth creamy tomentose, farinaceous (weathers off), mature leaves glabrous with depressed veins, Green Group 139A, under surface with heavy indumentum, near Greyed Orange Group 164D. Plant rounded, semi-dwarf, branching moderately with stiff branches, 3' x 3' in 10 years. Blooms in early May. Hardy to at least -5°F.
SAGAMORE BAYSIDE: A Dexter hybrid. Presumably a hybrid of Fortunei sub-series. Cross (before 1943) and raised by Charles O. Dexter, Shawme Farm (now Heritage Plantation), Sandwich, MA. Named by Dr. John C. Wister and Heman Howard. Introduced (c. 1955) by Arthur H. Scott, Horticultural Foundation, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. Registered by John J. Tyler Arboretum, Lima, PA. Described by Gertrude S. Wister. Detailed historical information may be found in Hybrids and Hybridizers, Rhododendrons and Azaleas for Eastern North America , Edited by Livingston and West, 1978. Synonym: Dexter #6. Flowers of good substance, widely funnel-shaped, 4½" across x 2" long, with 7 wavy lobes, light purplish pink 2.5RP 8/5 (Nickerson), with brilliant yellow green 2.5GY 8/9 stripe down center of dorsal lobe and with adjacent moderately conspicuous spotting extending slightly onto adjacent 2 lobes, reverse moderate purplish pink 2.5RP 7/8. Calyx ¼", light yellowish green. Truss 7" x 7", ball-shaped, with 9 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 2 years, 4½-6" x 2-2½", elliptic to narrowly elliptic, apiculate, cuneate to rounded, flat, glabrous, dull, moderate olive green 7.5GY 4/4. Plant broad, rounded, branching well, 7' tall x 10' wide in 21 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -5°F.
SILENT SURPRISE: R. degronianum x R. aureum . Cross (1969), raised, and introduced by Basil C. Potter, Port Ewen, NY. Buds pink. Flowers openly funnel-shaped, 2¼" x 2¼", with 5 evenly rounded lobes, Yellow Group 4D (Primrose Yellow) with no markings. Calyx ⅛", Red Group 53C. Truss 3" across x 3½" high, dome- to ball-shaped, with 7-9 flowers. Free flowering. Leaves held 2-3 years, 2⅛ - 3" x ¾ - 1", oblanceolate, acute, cuneate, glabrous, somewhat glossy, Green Group 137A, edges slightly down-turned, somewhat coriaceous, with medium amount of more or less floccose, light brown indumentum. New growth silvery tomentose. Plant broad, rounded, dwarf, branching well, 9" tall x 25" wide in 11 years. Blooms in late April. Hardy to at least -25°F.
SPARKLING BURGUNDY: 'Purple Splendour' x R. macrophyllum Seven Devils. Cross (1973) by Frank D. Mossman, MD. Raised, and introduced (1980) by James C. Brotherton, Battleground, WA. Flowers openly funnel-shaped, 2" across x 1½" long, with 5 wavy lobes, Lilac Purple o31 (H.C.C.), throat with touch of white, Aster Violet 38 spotting in lower ⅔'s of dorsal lobe sector and slightly on adjacent areas. Calyx uneven, to ⅜", Violet 36/1. Truss 6" across x 4" high, dome-shaped, with 17 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves held 3 years, 4½" x 1¾", narrowly elliptic to elliptic, some lanceolate, acute, cuneate, flat, glabrous, dull, Ivy Green. Plant upright, open, branching moderately, 4' tall x 3' wide in 8 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least 10°F.
SNUGBUG: 'Sangreal' x R. tsariense . Cross (1973), raised, and introduced (1980) by Milton Wildfong, Mission, B.C., Canada. Buds scarlet. Flowers openly funnel-shaped, 2" across x 3" long, with 5 wavy lobes, opens Red Group 45B, fades within to Red Group 52D (Carmine Rose) dappled deeper pink at lobe edges 47B spotting on dorsal 2 lobes, reverse 47D. Calyx short. Truss 5" across x 3" high, lax, with 5-6 flowers. Floriferous. Leaves held 3 years, 2" x ¾", narrowly elliptic to elliptic, apiculate, cuneate, farinaceous, dull, Green Group 136B, under surface with medium to heavy intense orange brown indumentum. New growth silvery tomentose. Plant upright, branching well with willowy branches, 3' tall x 2' wide in 8 years. Blooms in mid-May. Hardy to at least -5°F.