JARS v37n4 - Bronze Medal Awards

Bronze Medal Awards

Mike McCullough
This award is presented in recognition and appreciation of your service and dedication to the Monterey Bay Chapter, A.R.S.
This service is represented by the many hours you have devoted to preparing our fine chapter newsletter, the numerous interesting programs you have presented and for all the duties of chapter secretary.
Your energy and efforts have always been directed toward the best interest of this chapter and the A.R.S.

Robert R. Emmerich
The New York Chapter proudly presents its Bronze Medal to Robert R. Emmerich in recognition of his twenty years of service and in appreciation for his willing participation and friendly assistance in all Chapter activities.

Howard J. Slonecker
In appreciation of his work for the Rhododendron Society both as a participant in Chapter shows and being ever willing to serve as a judge: For being ever available to serve with the classification committee at show time: For his activities in helping to develop and maintain the Crystal Springs Garden: For his breeding program with azaleas that gave us some outstanding clones: and For his attendance and service with the Board of Directors.