JARS v39n3 - Eighth Southeastern Regional Meeting
Eighth Southeastern Regional Meeting
Joe Coleman, Lithonia, GA
The William Bartram Chapter in Greenville, South Carolina, will host our eighth annual meeting November 1, 2, and 3, 1985, at a new location. This fall, our meeting place will be Greenville's Hyatt, which offers increased size of facilities and an exhibit hall for expanded activities. This year, for the first time, we plan to have a tailgate plant sale by interested individuals, nurseries, chapters, or groups that have an excess of plant material, azaleas, rhododendron, companion plants, wildflowers, etc. The time will be Friday afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00 in the parking garage or the exhibit hall if available. This will be a good opportunity for chapters to raise money which was not possible this spring because of lack of plant material and cancelled flower shows.
Our program theme will be Gardens of the Southeast. With our broad expanse of territory and conditions, we have a great variety of gardens to pick and choose from. We are also fortunate in having speakers with experience in their subject matter. Dr. Larry Mellichamp will present the full development of the Van Landingham Glen at UNCC covering the concept of the garden as a rhododendron garden and the use of native plants as envisioned by Dr. Herbert Hechenbleikner, since its beginning before 1966. In contrast, Russell Scott of Mobile will discuss the beauty of evergreen azaleas that have made Bellingrath Gardens world-famous since the 1930's. A long-time nurseryman and Mobile native to the area, Russell Scott brings unique, informative views to his ever changing subject.
The Birmingham Chapter has the unusual distinction of operating out of the Birmingham Botanical Garden and will share its development through Mike Lilly. Working in the garden, they have excellent facilities for propagation, plant sales, and developing the rhododendron area of the garden. Saturday afternoon will provide an opportunity to revisit the garden of Jack McCarter, north of Greenville, that we enjoyed several years ago. A hybridizer of considerable skill, Jack gives his plants a true test to obtain only the hardiest. With our weather of the last two years, they will be the only ones left. Saturday evening will conclude with a presentation by Dr. Michael Dirr, Director of Horticulture, UGA, noted lecturer and author. The new Callaway building and developments in the UGA Botanical Garden will be highlighted as well as new plants to consider using in your garden.
Sunday morning offers an informal portion of our program to be highlighted by presentations by Dr. August Kehr on the primary elements in hybridizing, followed by an extensive look at azalea and rhododendron work by George Ring of Fairfax, VA. Both of these former ARS presidents practice what they preach, so bring your own hybridizing problems and questions for discussion. We hope to cover many more topics from tissue culture to Fred Galle's new azalea book. For those who wish to participate, we will continue the tradition of a Plant Exchange at lunch on Saturday. Just bring a plant of an approximate $10 value to the registration table Saturday morning. The drawing will be at lunch.