JARS v41n2 - Bronze Medal Awards
Bronze Medal Awards
Robert E. George
The De Anza Chapter presents its highest award, the Bronze Medal to Bob George in recognition of his numerous contributions to the Society over the last fifteen years. As the founding member of our Chapter he has given unselfish service and guidance as our chapter has matured and grown over the years. He has served as President, Vice-President, Show Chairman and general rhododendron spokesman for our chapter. He has presented many programs for us and other chapters. The chapter and its members wish to extend sincere thanks and congratulations. By unanimous concurrence of the Board of Directors, presented this seventeenth day of December, nineteen hundred and eighty-six.
Emma Bowhan
After years of service to the Eugene Chapter, we recognize and award the Bronze Medal to Emma Bowhan. Always willing to do any task necessary, she has served the chapter as a director and officer. She assisted the Western Regional and National Conventions as registrar and in countless jobs where necessary. Whenever work needs to be done, she is always there, eager to help. Especially known for the quality flowers she brings to the shows, without her entries and assistance the show would not be the same. We thank and salute you Emma Bowhan.
Tom Bowhan
Recognizing years of devotion to rhododendrons, the Eugene Chapter awards the Bronze Medal to Tom Bowhan. In addition to serving the chapter as a director and officer, he has served on numerous committees, including show chairman. Always ready and willing to help, he has provided many educational programs for both the Eugene Chapter and other chapters or organizations, including the Western Regional and National Conventions. He is a hybridizer and grower of quality rhododendrons, known for the superior plants and trusses he brings to the rhododendron shows. We thank and salute you Tom Bowhan.
Gordon Wylie
In recognition of leadership of the chapter and devotion to rhododendrons, the Eugene Chapter awards the Bronze Medal to Gordon Wylie. Whenever there was a need for leadership or service, he could always be counted on to fill the need. A tireless worker, he has served on many committees including being show chairman, director and current chapter President. Serving as chairman, he led the 5th Western Regional Conference to be the largest conference ever held. An excellent plantsman, he is known for his superb garden. We thank and salute you, Mr. President, Gordon Wylie.
John S. Druecker
To the dean of botanical lore on the North Coast of California; to the man who helped organize this chapter and who has served as its President and advisor; to the man who has contributed new and beautiful hybrids to our gardens; and, above all, to the man who has patiently shared his knowledge with a smile and a chuckle: the Noyo Chapter proudly presents this Bronze Medal ARS to our friend and teacher, John S. Druecker.
Marion S. May
The Siuslaw Chapter with deep appreciation presents the Bronze Medal to Marion S. May for her work as Secretary-Treasurer, organizing and meticulously keeping the records of the Chapter and writing articles for local and regional publications. Marion served on national committees and gave freely of her time and effort for the enrichment of the American Rhododendron Society. Presented December 14, 1986.
C. Vernon May
With deep gratitude the Siuslaw Chapter presents the Bronze Medal Award to C. Vernon May:
For his willingness to help with any project whenever called upon;
For being there early and late at Chapter Rhododendron shows;
For passing on his knowledge of rhododendrons and azaleas through workshops and personal assistance;
For giving generously of his plants to the Chapter and individuals; and
For representing the Chapter at regional and national conventions.
Presented December 14, 1986.