JARS v45n1 - Bronze Medal Awards
Bronze Medal Awards
Robert Adams
In appreciation for Bob Adams' long and devoted service to the Chapter, and for his guidance in many capacities, as President for two years and Board Member, as researcher with pesticides and fungicides and other garden chemicals. He has been our speaker on numerous occasions and also spoke to other American Rhododendron Society chapters. He's been generous in sharing his knowledge and plants and has been instrumental in recruiting many new members. He is a true plantsman! The Chapter is proud to present him its highest award, the Bronze Medal.
Richard E. and Rosalie Fitzwater
Our inspired leaders, indefatigable supporters and warm friends. Dick served as President of the Great Rivers Chapter and organized the first District meeting ever held. Rosalie made certain the meetings were well planned and that those plans were well executed without flaw.
The name Fitzwater is synonymous in the Midwest with a superbly landscaped garden dominated by Rhododendron , Kalmia and other Ericaceae. They have taught us to garden well in the harsh Indianapolis climate and alkaline clay. Similarly, they have guided our Chapter through its coldest winters and served as an unofficial hardiness testers for new cultivars.
Our Chapter presents the Bronze Medal to Richard and Rosalie Fitzwater.
Dorothy Robinson
The Middle Atlantic Chapter presents the Bronze Medal to Dorothy Robinson in recognition of her faithful service as MAC Secretary from 1985 through 1990, making accurate and timely records of the proceedings of both annual and board of directors meetings; sending out minutes and MAC newsletters as well as tending to many other unheralded chores as a quick and efficient "team player." She attends many of the national ARS meetings, and greatly assisted with the work of the 1988 Convention as well as numerous chapter meetings - she truly is an outstanding member who also finds time to develop and share a lovely rhododendron and azalea garden of her own! November 3, 1990.