JARS v46n3 - Western Regional Conference, Sept. 25-27
Western Regional Conference, Sept. 25-27
Betty Spady
Salem, Oregon
District 4 takes us back to where the first Western Regional Conference was held in 1981. The Newport Hotel, overlooking the sand and ocean, is located on US 101 about 1½ miles from downtown Newport. Newport is a delightful location for families to spend a weekend. This is a learning conference, a place for exchanging ideas between newcomers and old pros. But the area offers much to entertain the rest of the family.
The conference programs will address a variety of interests and provide useful information. On Friday evening Alleyne Cook, Vancouver, B.C., will lead off with the "Ted and Mary Greig Rhododendrons in Stanley Park" followed by Henry Schannen, Princeton, N.J., with "A German Rhododendron Odyssey."
On Saturday morning the clinics will focus on "how to" and "what with." Subjects include photography (Ed Egan), mapping and computers (Slim and Elaine Barrett), arranging the rhododendrons (Diane Johnson), species rhododendrons (Lynn Watts), deciduous azaleas (Harold Greer), rhododendron diseases (Barbara lverson), new hybrids (Gwen Bell), trees as rhododendron companions (Noble Bashor), pesticides (Lyall Taylor) and structural problems (Phil Thornbury).
There will be "free time" Saturday afternoon to give you and your family the opportunity to go to the beach or shopping, to visit area gardens, nurseries and state parks or to enjoy such attractions as the Lighthouse at Yaquina Head, the Hatfield (OSU) Marine Science Center, and the newly opened Oregon Coast Aquarium. Those interested in rhododendron hybridizing may wish to join the Breeders Round Table session at the hotel.
After an evening buffet, Bill Heller's short program set to music, "The Colors of Rhododendron" will precede Dr. Leonard Miller, Ozark Chapter. He will show us how we can simply apply the beauty of famous gardens to our own gardens with "Bridges to Beautiful Gardens."
Jay Murray, ARS registrar, will begin the Sunday morning programs with "Registration of Plant Names." Next a panel will discuss "Take advantage of the best Evergreen Azaleas." Britt Smith will tell about the recent trek of ARS members of Sikkim. In the final program, Dave Goheen will lead a group of ARS chapter members and other "old timers" as they reminisce about the ARS, the early members and their works.
Betty Spady is the 1992 Western Regional Conference Program Chair.